Is it true that not getting enough protein can slow/stall weight loss?
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Thanks for all of this information! I do have to say that my bloodwork in the past has shown that I have been protein deficient so the doctor has told me but told me not to worry about that number. But it always comes up low. This was before surgery. I am really interested in the part where you say it can cause swelling or edema in the lower extremities. I have gone to the doctor so many times over my legs and no one has ever given me a good answer as to why my legs swell and all along my blood work shows that my serum protein..not sure if is albumin they are looking at or what but has been low. It is amazing I can come here and find more information here about my body then my own PCP has helped me with. Thankyou....I don't like what you say about protein deficiency being ugly. That is pretty scary to me so this post right here that you have written is enough to whip my butt on the right track.
I never knew lack of protein would get that awful ..I just thought our bodies would use up our own muscles for protein needs but was not sure at what rate and how severe. I still don't know but I do know I need to pay attention and take my supplements like I am supposed to.
Also I ran accross this calculator somewhere at one time...How can we find out how much protein we actually do need to take in individually. Someplace I remember I could plug in my bmi or wt and ht and it would tell me my own protein daily intake needs. Is there another formula for this?
Thanks so much for all of this information...trying to go thru all of the posts that I can and am reading reading reading.
WooHootiHoo! I have made it to 109!!!! A total of 190lbs lost!
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
Sorry for the delay in big reason really and just now remembered I should thankyou and reply back to you.
Yes I am now taking my protein seriously..I think this is why I did not reply...I went to go find my husband to tell him all about this and about just what protein deficiency does and was telling him about the coincidence between my swolen lower legs and the low serum protein that has been found in my blood work just this last year. He is really aggravated now too at our PCP clinic...more like an HMO atmosphere only we pay big bucks for these people.
I am just really glad that I have access to this information now...I never realized in all my life that our nutrition can really mean this much. And I am a nurse but I never really focused on the nutritional part of nursing. In fact we don't really have much time for
Ok so I weigh now 233 divided by 2.2 would be ...WOW! 105 gms of protein??? Yikes! And I am having a hard time trying to make it to 60 gms/day! No wonder I am deficient...before surgery...I was a big carb eater...I would get the majority of my calories in carbs and maybe 10% in protein. Then along came surgery and I realize now I need protein from the foods I eat...I was getting around 30-40gms/day and that took a little effort. Then I read your post yesterday and thought this missy better get her act in gear! So two days in a row I have reached 60 gms. Now I have to reach for 105? Holy Moly I better buy some more
Thanks again Danielle though are a blessing to this community! Getting the word out about protein deficiency and how important it is to get our daily intake in is worth so much. A lot of people just do not realize just HOW important protein is. I was one of those people.
WooHootiHoo! I have made it to 109!!!! A total of 190lbs lost!