Vitamin D deficiency pre-op??
I found out from my primary physician today that some of my labs were back from the Bariatric Clinic. She informed me that my Vitamin D levels were pretty low! Is there anything I can do to help increase Vitamin D without taking supplements? I am lactose intolerant and really never drink milk. Are there any foods that are healthy that have vitamin D in them that I could eat?
Also, will this hinder a decision on whether or not I am a candidate for the bypass surgery?
Donna P.
Great! Just when I need the sun it's Fall...
I guess my husband was right when he told me to get the heck out of the house this summer, but I'm so busy with my school work, I kind of live at my computer or in class! Hmmmmmmm... My physician didn't seem too worried, but I guess I'll see what the bariatric physician has to say next week!
Thanks for the information, I truly appreciate it!
Donna P.