Calories, carbs, fat oh my!

on 10/24/07 9:28 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
Just like everyone else I know the disclaimer, "Everyone is different" but I would like the guide lines for intake of calories, fat, and carbs. I know no less than 1200 calories but for fat and carbs I don't  have a clue. I have never been a carb counter so I really have NO idea about what is good and bad. I am not going to get an eval from enutrition, I feel like we have this support so we can get basic info from each other without paying for it. Thanks for the info in advance. Peace out!

"Be the change you want to see in the world."-Ghandi


(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 11:23 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

I'll tell you what I'm doing these days, which is based on information from various sources.  As a bit of background, I started at 396 pounds and have been maintaining at around 200 pounds for 3 months now.  I'm averaging 2,200-2,300 calories per day.  I am working on cutting that back to 1,900-2,000 calories per day.  By doing that, I should be able to lose another 10-20 pounds, which will put me right where I want to be before plastics.   I aim for 50% of my calories from carbs, 25% from protein, and 25% from fat.  This works out to 250 g. of carbs, 125 g. of protein, and 55 g. of fat per day.  For my carbs, I eat things like whole-grain bread, whole wheat pasta, long grain/wild rice, fresh fruit, yogurt, beans, etc.  I try to avoid processed white breads, regular pasta, white rice, baked potatoes, etc., except as an occasional treat.  I exercise 6-7x per week (lift weights 2x per week, cardio for 45-55 minutes 3-5x per week).  My carb count may seem high for a WLS person, but I feel I need the carbs to support my exercise habit.   Here's links to a couple articles about good carbs - I'm sure you can find more articles with a quick google search: t.htm I also eat 6-7 times per day, or every 2-2 1/2 hours.  I eat about 250-350 calories at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then 3-4 snacks that are 100-150 calories per snack.  That keeps my metabolism going, and it keeps from getting over-hungry, which leads to overeating.   I hope this information is helpful.  Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie

on 10/25/07 1:04 am - Colorado Springs, CO
It does help thank you!

"Be the change you want to see in the world."-Ghandi


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