Nutrition Question

on 10/24/07 12:32 pm - Weiser, ID
I am 16 months post op and I am wondering how many grams do you need for fat/carbs/protein at this stage?  I am still looking to lose about 45 pounds and I increased my protein and lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  I have been doing that for four weeks but the weight loss was the first two weeks and now this last two weeks I have started to gain sone of those 10 pounds back.  What is going on?  I haven't changed the eating over the last 4 weeks and I am keeping my protein up and carbs where they should be.  Any help is great!!! Thanks, Michelle
on 10/24/07 12:51 pm - CA
There's no magic rule for any stage of post-op, rather this is a question specific to your needs.   I would need to do a full assessment to make such specific recommendations. I recommend you contact your dietitian.  If you don't have one, we would be happy to help you with a personalized assessment at .  You need to factor in your activity, daily intake, etc.  It is really not so much about % of protein or fat or carbs, as it is about total calories.
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/24/07 2:11 pm - Weiser, ID
Well I eat around 800 - 900 calories a day with 80g protein & 25g carbs.  I exercise by running each day anywhere between 2-3 miles.  I then do weight training 3 times a week. I looked at your site that you recomended and there isn't any way that I can afford $100 + for an assessment....that's crazy!! I think that OH staff should put in their posting that this is a way to promote and make money for the site and not as it was posted as ask a dietician questions.
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 11:38 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I respectfully disagree with your characterization that this forum is a way to "promote and make money for"  The dieticians here are providing general nutrition information that may be of interest to multiple persons.  They are not here to provide specific one-on-one counseling for individual posters.  If a poster's question asks for extremely specific guidance -- as yours does -- it's not appropriate for this forum.   Good luck finding the guidance and information you need from other sources.   Kellie
on 10/25/07 9:41 am - Weiser, ID

Well I am not the only one with this question...I just used my specifics for information about what I was asking.  I have seen numerous other posts about how many grams of each thing you are suppose to eat each day and how to lose those last stubborn pounds.  I believe that this information would have help multiple persons.

on 10/25/07 2:10 pm - CA

You are right in saying that many other people ask these questions.  Ethically, I cannot ignore your past medical history, current medical history, current exercise program and of course, your diet and give you nutrition advice.  This is where we say that we cannot do a personalized assessment on this forum. I respect your comment that this is a place where members can share ideas and things they have tried.  As a moderator, when I saw the title "nutrition question" I thought you wanted one of the dietitians to address your concern.  I apologize if this was incorrect. Looking at your original post, I would offer the following advice. It is not useful to focus on a single nutrient (protein) as they variable which will force your weight loss one way or another.  You should look at total calories.  Go back to basics and track your diet and exercise.  What often happens is that people get their calories too low and then can't lose weight because their metabolism has down-regulated so much - this is starvation mode. Often if you increase the calories a little you can tilt the scale. It sounds wrong - but for those who have tried it, it almost always works.

Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/25/07 2:20 pm - Weiser, ID
So what is your opinion on the whole idea that if you burn more calories than you take in you will lose weight?  Alot of the people think this is true and it has been a debate on another forum.  As I was younger I had that idea put in my head but now I am wondering if it was ever right. Also you said your body would go into starvation mode...when you get to that mode do you just quit losing weight forever or is there a time when the body just has to start losing the weight even if you are in the starvation mode? 
Amy Williams
on 10/25/07 4:56 pm
Basically my understanding of starvation mode is your body holds on to any calories in the body.  Usually you are getting too few calories, so what you do have the body holds onto.  I know in my personal case when I exercise I have to up my calories to lose.  What I had found is I wasn't getting in enough calories to burn and what I was burning was almost all the calories I was consuming.  I had some stalls when I first started working out.  I upped my calories and water and in my case I started losing again.  
Amy Williams
on 10/25/07 4:49 pm
Hi Michelle, I'm just wondering what type of exercise are you doing?  Have you recently started any?  Are you watching your calories or just your fats/carbs/protein?  I know once you get around that 16-18 month mark the loss really starts to slow.  Let me know and I'll give you some further ideas on what helped me get down further.

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on 10/26/07 12:44 am - Weiser, ID
Hi, I do running now 4-5 times a week, elliptical (sp) 2 times a weerk and weight training 3 times a week.  Then there are days when I can get a walk in at night. I have kept track of my calories, protein, and carbs on spark people.  I try to make sure I keep my carbs where my dietician has said they should be  (between 70-80g) and the calories are just low because I eat things that are high in protein and low in calories. I also do not feel hungry at all and I don't think I xan start to eat more food more often. Any help would be great. Thanks, Michelle
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