Dumping? but why?

on 10/23/07 11:42 pm - alexandria, VA

Three times in the past 6 months I have had terrible gastric episodes after eating.  They  have involved terrible stomach cramps, voiding my bowels slowly and ending with diarhea, sweating, chilling, nausea and vomiting. To me, these sound like dumping. The only thing is--they were preceeded by eating foods that are a regular part of my diet on a daily basis.  For example, eggs, low fat cheese and whole wheat toast; a supper of meat and veggies.  I didn't eat anthing out of the ordinary and no sugar was involved. It also sends me to bed for 2-4 hours after each episode. Do you think it is really dumping?  Here's what I think might be the problem.  In the morning I take a handful of pills with liquid.  Maybe I ate too soon after?  In the evening I was very over tired from traveling. I may have eaten too fast. I have a 2 year follow up appointment next month and I will ask my friends at the surgeons office, but I'd be interested in your opinion. Thanks, Jeannie

Amy Williams
on 10/24/07 9:55 am
If you haven't changed your diet any and this just started happening a few months ago, I'd consult with your surgeon.  In all the years I've been reading the message boards I've not really heard of anyone having that type of reaction suddenly after not having it before. 

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on 10/24/07 11:16 am - alexandria, VA

Thanks, Amy. I have an appointment coming up. I will check with them about this.



on 10/24/07 1:03 pm - CA
Good counsel, Amy. If any new symptoms arise, especially as severe as you are describing, and you can't correlate it to any changes in your habits it is a very good idea to let your doctor know. You should try to keep as accurate of records as you can to share with your doctors.  Write it down.  If you really want them to understand, paint a vivid picture for them.  If you rely on your memory alone, it probably won't be as accurate. Good Luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/25/07 1:55 am - alexandria, VA
I agree and appreciate the comments. I did just have lab work done. I will try and see my primary before I go to my surgeon next month. I read the symptoms of gall bladder flare ups and am wondering.  I will write down what is happening and check it out with those who know...thanks! Jeannie
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