Pre op eating

on 10/24/07 6:18 am - MO
I am in the second month of my supervised diet and I have a question. I can't seem to stay away from the junk. I am tring to eat and drink like I had the surgery already, but the chocolate has a major grip on me now. I have been very stressed over money problems and of course I am tuning to the food to help me feel better. My question is, will the surgeon or insurance deny me to have RNY if I don't loose weight during this supervised diet? I really am triing. Please Help Me! I wish I could have surgery tomorow! I am so tired of letting food control me.

Cassie L.

Kathi H.
on 10/24/07 6:26 am - Winsted, MN
You need to find out from you Dr. if he requires any weight loss prior to sugery.  Mine did and would not do surgery unless I met the goal.  They say the weight loss before WLS helps to shrink the liver and make surgery safer.





on 10/24/07 6:33 am - MO
I won't need to lose weight to make it safer for surgery I am what they call a "lightweight". This diet is required for insurance. I guess I just feel guilty about binge eating here lately. I am sure I have gained some weight, and I am real nervous about seeing my nut and exercise person. I don't want them to think I am not tring. This is all I really ever think about, how much water, how much protien, how many sugars, chew, chew chew. Then the next thing I know I have had a whole bunch of candy, or cookies, or ice cream( my three weakneses)

Cassie L.

one hot mama
on 10/24/07 6:33 am - Tennessee/ Alabama
Please don't take this wrong I am also at the before surgery stage and you need to realize its not a surgery fix its a behavior fix. Even if you have the surgery you have to control your eating habits. Seek some counseling and instead of eating come on here with a nice cold glass of water or some SF hard candy. Change your behavior.
 Army Wife
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 6:38 am
I was a light weight too when it came to the surgery..but insurance required a supervised diet.  If the choco monster has you.....fake them out.   I still use calcium chocolate chews...they come in caramel too, to crave the choc monster but the chews, have vitamins and nutritional stuff in them for your you're really not shoving the sugared stuff into you. You can buy the chews at any drug store like Walgreens or even Wal-mart...and it does take care of the craving...try it! Dawn
Daniel E.
on 10/24/07 6:38 am - Nashville, TN

Yes, definitely check with your doctor.  His thought process might be that if you can't control your eating before surgery, you might not be able to control it after surgery. I'm in the final stages of my pre-op diet.  I've been on liquid for several days now and the hunger has only been manageable by taking a drug called Byetta.  One dose in the morning, and I'm hunger free until late afternoon when I take another dose.  I can drive by a McDonalds!!!  (Even though they've got the Monopoly game going on now and I really want to play it.  2 hash browns for a dollar?!?!?  Gimme Gimme Gimme!!)  Sorry. My doctor advised me to lose 30 pounds before my surgery.  It'll make the difference between laporoscapy and cutting me wide open.

on 10/24/07 6:43 am - La Crosse, WI
I guess if we could control our eating we wouldn't need surgery is my thought.  Cassie, do the best you can. I doubt your surgeon would be surprised if you are finding it hard, and unless he has loss restrictions will proceed. It does get easier after surgery because you just don't have the capacity or hunger that you do now. Try to be aware of what you're eating and when and why. Try to at least make healthier choices when you are hungry. Remind yourself of why you're doing this in the first place.

on 10/24/07 6:59 am - MO
I am strongly thinking about having my anti depressant  increased. I know that when I was evaluated by the psy. she said that it would help with the food addiction thing.  Do any of the other pre opers seem to go to the cabinet get something bad to eat, eat it, and then feel very guilty afterwards? I always do better at not eating bad stuff at work. I seem to eat much healthier at work. I am triing to go for a five day a week job. I am kind of wondering if some of my eating is because I am bored.  Does any one know if upping my anti depressant would help that to? Sorry  for rambling so much!

Cassie L.

on 10/24/07 7:21 am - Canton, MI
I am post op but I was pre-op for a long long time.  And if you are trying to do what you do after surgery won't work!   It works post-op because of the changes made in stomach.  Pre-op trying it is asking for junk food to jump up and bite you! Now you still need to diet or try if that is requirements but make it a diet such as weigh****chers or schedule app't with Nut to see what they suggest for caloric intake ect.    What I did pre-op almost 5 months before I was even approved was try to make sensible choices with enough calories to tide me through.  I did the sip sip sip,  baby bites, chew chew chew, just as if I had surgery but I did it with more calories then we were allowed post-op.   I gave up my Diet Coke that I don't even miss now.  I gave up my caffiene.  I drank protein shakes as between meal snacks. Now this didn't always work and I slipped up a time or two.  But I went from 360 at my highest to 333 at surgery and stuck there until after.   Keep carrots around, watermelon,  my choc fix was taken care of with SF  FF choc pudding.  There is also SF fudgesicles out there.  Be careful of the weigh****chers low sugar....they had more calories then I was willing to handle. Stess does do weird things to our brains and body....we want comfort and the easiest thing for many of us was food...especially certain types of food!   I could pig out on home made baked mac and cheese!   Try switching from plain white foods to whole grain foods.   Instead of a baked potato try a baked Sweet potato.  Make every calorie count.   Want something crunchy try soy chips instead of potato chips.  Triscuits is a favorite of mine now.  6 at a time no more and not every day.  But again this is just what I did, it may not be right for you. Look at the recipe board for weight loss friendly meals and try them ahead of time. No it isn't easy and yes I feel off the wagon before hand but it does get better after surgery. Good Luck!

Highest 360  Surgery 333 Current 168 Goal 150
BMI Highest 65.8 Current 32  Height 5'2"
Hernia Repair/TT 9.23.08

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/07 7:45 am - Sacramento Area, CA
If a surgeon requires you to lose weight and you don't, usually he or she will not do the surgery until you do lose the weight.  I know the chocolate has a grip on you now, but it will probably not always be like this.  I would recommend getting some counseling and spending some time thinking all on your own.  It just sounds like you need to get your head straight.  Hang in there!  Hugs!
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