Meat tenderizer doesn't seem to what?

on 10/21/07 10:04 am
I had grilled tuna for dinner last night.  After finishing, as I drank water it seemed to be backing up, as if something was stopping the water from going into my stomach.  I felt like throwing up and did twice, but nothing of substance came up.  This morning I was able to keep some coffee down, but still felt it was"backing up".  I read that a tsp. of meat tenderizer with warm water may help.  I sipped that about 6 hours ago and have sipped water all afternoon.  I'm scared to eat anything because even liquid feels "backed up" so I don't even want to try solids. The feeling is uncomfortable but not painful.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I'm approaching 24 hours of feeling like this and am becoming a little concerned. FYI - I had RNY surgery in 2001.  I have had some trouble with eating too fast and not chewing well before, but have never felt like this before. Thanks for your help!
on 10/21/07 12:12 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
My suggestion: Go back to clear liquids until Monday morning. If you still have this feeling on Monday morning, call your surgeon's office Monday morning to inquire. It could be a stricture. Strictures are not uncommon after WLS.
Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Registered Dietitian
Jen Halliday
on 10/22/07 7:34 am - Elmira, NY
Hi, Beth! My first line of defense has always been pineapple juice, then papaya enzyme, in a pille form. Or papaya juice. I usually don't have to go the meat tenderizer route because those usually work. If I need to....well, in 20 months I've never had to take meat tenderizer, so...I guess that's my suggestion: Try pineapple or papaya juice. If nothing still, try papaya enzyme in a pilll. If nothing still, you need to contact your surgeon's office. It's possible it could be a stricture if nothing is working. Good luck, Beth!  Jen Halliday 

Jen Halliday

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God & die to find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there isn't & die to find out there is!!"

Started this journey at 332 # and now weigh 158! Goal: Maintain & be healthy!

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