Meat tenderizer doesn't seem to what?
I had grilled tuna for dinner last night. After finishing, as I drank water it seemed to be backing up, as if something was stopping the water from going into my stomach. I felt like throwing up and did twice, but nothing of substance came up.
This morning I was able to keep some coffee down, but still felt it was"backing up". I read that a tsp. of meat tenderizer with warm water may help. I sipped that about 6 hours ago and have sipped water all afternoon. I'm scared to eat anything because even liquid feels "backed up" so I don't even want to try solids.
The feeling is uncomfortable but not painful. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm approaching 24 hours of feeling like this and am becoming a little concerned.
FYI - I had RNY surgery in 2001. I have had some trouble with eating too fast and not chewing well before, but have never felt like this before.
Thanks for your help!
Hi, Beth! My first line of defense has always been pineapple juice, then papaya enzyme, in a pille form. Or papaya juice. I usually don't have to go the meat tenderizer route because those usually work. If I need to....well, in 20 months I've never had to take meat tenderizer, so...I guess that's my suggestion: Try pineapple or papaya juice. If nothing still, try papaya enzyme in a pilll. If nothing still, you need to contact your surgeon's office. It's possible it could be a stricture if nothing is working. Good luck, Beth!
Jen Halliday

Jen Halliday
"I would rather live my life as if there is a God & die to find out there isn't, than to live my life as if there isn't & die to find out there is!!"
Started this journey at 332 # and now weigh 158! Goal: Maintain & be healthy!