
on 10/21/07 5:41 am

I'm sure this is a question that has been asked before, but being newly banded, I haven't seen the answer!  Is it recommended that we take some type of fiber supplement early on?  Like the chewable Benefiber?  I am just a week out of surgery and I realize that things might not be working quite right yet, but I have had problems in the bathroom department.  Right now I am on full liquids and I know that is affecting things too.  I finally took some stool softeners which resulted in a BM today (sorry TMI!!!), should I keep taking those or move to some type of fiber supplement?  Thanks in advance for your response. 

on 10/21/07 6:28 am - CA
Getting adequate daily fiber is important for everyone.  The recommended goal is 25 g per day of fiber (actually it's 20-35 g, but average rec. for women is 25)  Benefiber and other clear dissolving products are a great choice for adding fiber - you can add it to anything which makes a person much more likely to use them on a daily basis.  Getting adequate fiber is a long term solution to constipation, use of stool softeners is understandable when you are uncomfortable. With fiber - add slowly, 5 g every few days.  The bacteria in your small intestine really like fiber and they show their appreciation by making air bubbles (and you get gas!).  Also, as you add fiber you also need to add water (or a liquid of your choice)  Fiber + little water = cork Fiber + a lot of water = a broom - sweeping out your insides! Things might not be working quite right yet, but keeping an eye on your fiber intake is a good plan to help your intestines & to help with feelings of fullness.  Foods that are high in fiber are good for you, carry the needed vitamins and minerals that your body needs, have been associated with disease reduction (cancer, heart disease, etc.), and taste good too!  I'm talking fruits and vegetables in their whole form (not so much juiced or sauced) - you can't go wrong!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/21/07 6:45 am
Thanks for the quick response!  Yes, I am looking forward to the days ahead when I can start adding in the fiber though foods - so much better than supplements.  Funny how the thing Iimiss are things I took for granted before.  Thanks for the advice on the protocol for introducing the fiber supplements for now.  C
(deactivated member)
on 10/21/07 11:06 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
When you are ready to start getting some fiber from food, you may want to try Kellogg's All Bran Buds cereal.  A 1/3rd of a cup has 70 calories and 13 grams of fiber.  If you can tolerate the carbs, it's a great way to get in a decent amount of fiber in a small amount of cereal.  I will sometimes mix this with low-fat light yogurt instead of eating it with milk.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
on 10/22/07 12:53 am
Kellie,    Thanks for the advice.  I will look forward to getting fiber the good way when I can eat more variety!  I haven't tried Bran Buds before, but is sounds good eating it with yogurt instead of milk.  A little crunch!  (Something I'm missing desperately right now being on liquids!!)  Take care.  Crystal
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