carb intake

Jodi W
on 10/10/07 3:23 am, edited 10/10/07 4:30 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA

Hi there I would like to know if there is a set amount of carbs that is exceptable, or should I say an amount that we should stay at or under?  I am 3 years post op. and have begun to put weight back on. I  need to get back on track before it gets out of control. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you  Jodi 

on 10/10/07 1:23 pm - CA
Just looking at carbs is not the best method in my opinion. You should go back to basics and look at your total calorie intake. Keep a food journal, enter it into one of the programs and get an idea of where you are at.  Have you established some bad habits?  Are there unwanted snacks sneaking in?  Are you drinking calories? Is your exercise where it needs to be? Weight gain is dependent on total calories in vs. total calories spent.  It's not about carbs only. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/10/07 1:33 pm - FL

(deactivated member)
on 10/10/07 1:35 pm - Los Angeles, CA
I like I also have used which is nice. As for paper...I don't quite know.
on 10/10/07 1:44 pm - FL

Jodi W
on 10/10/07 9:26 pm - SIMI VALLEY, CA
Danielle Thank you, I will start keeping a  journal. I was thinking of going back to the beginning and starting fresh. I wasn't sure that this would do anygood as far out as I am. I know I have slipped up on a lot of things. Thank you for not saying I am doomed because of how far out I am. I needed a little reasurance that I can start from square one and still have success at this stage of my journey. It is so nice to have someone in the know to help guide us through the good times and the tough ones also. Thank you Take care and have a wonderful day and rest of the week.

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 10/11/07 3:01 am - Ft Laud, FL
Hi Jodi, I am 4 years out in Dec. I too gained weight...15 lbs ..which I want to loose. I have lost 4 lbs so far. I dropped the wheat thins and string cheese ( had it everyday for lunch) love it.  The wheat thins were the only "carb" I was eating. I replaced lunch with a protein now i drink 2 to 3 a day and 1 meal for dinner. I am feeling it now..cause my body is not liking me taking control back. But i sure want to loose these 12 more lbs. So I'm gonna keep it goin. OH yeah i dont snack except on sf jello. guess that was a big change right there lol. Good luck to you. Cha
Jodi W
on 10/11/07 3:53 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA
Hi Cha Thanks for posting. One thing I haven't fell back into was eating wheat thins, thank god. I love those little boogers. I have to be honest with you and others and myself. My big problem was in giving myself permission to eat those darn M&M's, the new jumbo ones. Well they came out after my surgery, stupid me thought well just trying them won't hurt. Well guess what?  They did and boy I never made it to goal and then started putting on more weight.  So I know what my problem is and I am in the process of hopefully fixing it. Funny I am so addicted to soda but that is one thing I never ever even tried a little of after surgery for fear of stretching my pouch out.   been almost 3 years and 2 months since I had soda. Go figure, I don't do something that no doctors can agree on if it even hurts you like drinking a soda, but something like Chocolate that is a known fat maker I go right to. OK now what's wrong with this picture. I drank more soda in one day then I ate chocolate in 2 months before surgery.  I have been away from M&M's for going on 4 days and drinking my protein. I have always drank my protein drinks for fear of something serious happening to me. I drink anywhere from 4 to 5 a day. I really don't eat food, which is another problem with why I can't lose the weight right I guess. Since I kicked the M&M's and started doing nothing but protein for the last 4 days I have lost 2 1/2 lbs.  I guess I know what I have to do. Thanks so much for posting here. It's good to know I am not alone out here with the weight gain.  Sorry I typed your ear off with my ramblings. Take care and have a wonderful day.

Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 10/11/07 4:10 am - Ft Laud, FL
Jodi,  OH yeah................CHOCOLATE!!!!!  Me too ...I love te stuff..I do go for the sf Russel stoffers...but dang I love them to no sf ice cream no sf choc nothing but sf jello is allowed in the house. I do add a no sugar added Swiss Miss to my cup of decaf coffee in the morning with some splenda. Which works for me I too was a diet pepsi addict before surgery...I drank them constantly haven't had one in 4 yrs...havent even been tempted. I  won't ever try. Its just not worth it. Looks like we have alot in common .........good luck on your GOAL!!!! I did get to mine but went wild buying size 8's which i cant get on now......funny how that weight all came back in the waist and belly.  I do need to exercise....I am so bad at that. Heres wishin you the very best success in reaching your goal : ) Cha
Jodi W
on 10/11/07 4:34 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA

Thanks so much Cha. Yes that awful chocolate and crackers and such. I have now made sure that it's not in the house at all. I love the sf popsicles and sf koolaid and jello also. I so wish I had gotten to a size 8. I think I was born bigger then an 8.    I too need to exercise I am bad at that also. I have a feeling we do have a lot in common. Good luck to you I am sure you will make it to goal again. Thank you for the good wishes for me, I am going to need all the luck I can get. Have a great day. ((( big hugs ))) Jodi

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