Hungry a lot

on 10/9/07 3:47 am - IL
Hey everyone, I usually don't post on here much cause I usually get the cheap generic response of ask your nut or ask your surgeon. WELL let me tell you that a lot of surgeons are not easy to reach. They do surgery during the day most of the time and are doing office patient visits the rest of the time.  Plus if its after office hours and not a matter of life and death its not worth having your dr's fellow paged. You guys are around all different hours and have personal experience. So my question is: Why am I always hungry. I eat my meal no more than 6-7 oz of food, i am three and a half months post op rny. I was just going to ask why am i so hungry I take anywhere from 15-45 minutes to eat and chew my bites 15-60 times. 60 being like steak or something chewy. I do drink a little with my meals because I feel food feeling dry going down, its to hard to swallow so I have just the teensiest bit of hot tea or water to help it not feel dry in my belly or stuck in my chest. Well I am always hungry. I have eaten a GOOD portion of food and and still be just as hungry 10 minutes after i finish the plate or 2 hours at the most when finished. So has anybody experienced this. I mean, I don't know, is my pouch just HUGE and stretched in 3 months or could it be an ulcer or undone staples, the liquids,  or what. I'm not scared just clueless. Please let me know if you have experienced this. I have been so hungry twice before that i ate so fast i got air bubbles and vomited cause i stuffed but that was only once. So if you have experienced this. Let me know, thanks.
on 10/9/07 5:02 am - Texarkana, TX

I sure hope you get an answer because  I have been experiencing the same thing and I am little over five months out. It does not matter how much or how little I eat within an hour I am hungry again. I have tried drinking to curb the hunger pains, but liquid only goes so far, and my surgeon does not want you snacking  (on solid foods) between meals, he says 3 meals and if I have to have something between then drink protein shacks or yoguart. Sure hope someone can help. Thanks

GOD BLESS   Cynthia
on 10/9/07 5:19 am
I am only 1 1/2 months out and so far I don't have a problem with  being hungry, but I do have a thought...... maybe the water or tea you are drinking is making the food leave your pouch too fast.  That is why we always hear.... don't drink & eat.  Hope this helps. Tamara
on 10/9/07 6:44 am - KATY, TX

I think most of the hunger is Head Hunger  - a demon that lives along with the Carb monster!  LOL!!!  Mind over matter is a true statement!  Our minds tell us that we are hungry but I bet if you were at the movies or at the mall walking around - you would never notice it.  It is crazy!!  I am over 3 years out and I still get it.   Sometimes I give in and sometimes I try to find something else to do (responsing to this post is one of them)  I thought my pouch did not work but it did - I made it to goal and now I work hard at maintaining - I have my good days and bad.   It is a struggle emotionally and physically everyday!  I wish I had a straight answer but unfortunatly everyone has to find what works for them.   Stay busy and positive - I know you will get pass this!  Valerie :)

on 10/9/07 6:57 am - Ft Laud, FL
Dont' eat and drink at the same time your washing your food out of your pouch. Don't drink for at least 1/2 hour before and after meals..1 hour is even better. Eat your protein first..3 or 4 oz...weigh it. forget carbs (bread, potatoes ect ) they are not your friend. You get enough carbs in good food. Carbs make you hungry because they turn into sugar. If you have room after you eat your protein eat your veggies. Chew and eat slowly enjoy your meal..but eat to be satisfied not full. Don't listen to your will tell you your hungry when you just want to eat. Ask your stomach..drink between meals....water fills you nicely and flushs fat. Good luck
(deactivated member)
on 10/9/07 12:15 pm
I asked that question over and over again for 6 months.  I had an Upper GI.  Finally my surgeon said he gave me a 2 oz pouch.  Well if a 1 oz pouch grows to 1 cup that would explain my 2 oz pouch almost 2 cups.  Then there is the 1/2 inch stoma.  I feel like food just slides through.  Always hungry from about 9 weeks out.  At my 1 year appt. I had kept off a whopping 15 lbs.  Because I had kept off 75 lbs pre op that still made me too light for any revision surgery unless I gained that 15 lbs back.  I decided that enough is enough.  I have accepted that my surgery has been useless and I am a WLS RNY failure.  He also only bypassed me 100 cm so my labs show I am absorping very well.  Finally I grabbed the bull by the horns and realized I was maintaining 185 lbs on 1850 calories.  Then I started eating 1650 calories to lose to 165 lbs.  That is as low as I can get because I have to eat 1650 calories or I am a basket case after a few days.  My blood sugars get too low as well dispite that I am off of all my diabetes medications.  I put my Plan B on my profile page if you are interested.  I can follow it for weeks at a time and not be a hungry B****.  It is chocked full of healthy food divided into 6 meals.  FYI I never vomited, dumped, felt full or even nauseous.  With a 2 oz pouch though I was always eating less following my dieticians plan than my capacity so it all made sence when he told me the specifics of my surgery.  Also my dentist had 2 other patients that did not lose weight after RNY surgery and my orthopedic doc has a couple patients that didn't lose either.  I think it is real posible to not lose much weight with a RNY.  Many of us really need to go on old fashion diets.  Not all of us just have weight fall off.  Especially if you don't vomit or dump.  Good luck,  Linda
on 10/9/07 1:19 pm - CA
"Check with your surgeon" may sound like a "cheap, generic response", but it is a responsible suggestion. Fact is, things can go wrong with WLS (believe me, I have seen horrible things, including death).  To suggest to someone to look into a new or strange symptom by asking the physician *****routed your guts is not unreasonable.  The fact is that many symptoms that may be passed off as 'no big deal' or 'not worth bothering the doctor about' can be early signs of something very wrong. It is unfortunate that some physicians are not very reachable for their post-op patients.  Often the follow-up in many aspects of care is lacking for WLS - this is why "centers of excellence" is becoming more of a distinction for WLS surgery practices.  For those who are interviewing the physician or consulting for weight loss surgery, discussing the specifics of post-op support with the physician is a good idea. I guess is doesn't help you now - but for others who are considering their options. I agree with the other writers that a lot of your hunger is "head hunger".  Your body is receiving far less nutrients than it was before - and it's screaming at you.  Calorie defecit is part of weight loss and definitely part of a restrictive & malabsorptive surgical procedure.  They have offered some good advice - maybe you'll try it. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/9/07 11:03 pm - Albany, NY
I have a friend who woke up hungery from surgery and it has never let up.  She never experienced the break from hunger that nearly everyone talks about.  It was true hunger as well.  It just happens to some, why? I don't know and neither did any of her Drs.  By the way she has successfully lost her excess weight and is now maintaining, it can be done. Good Luck,  Carla
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