Progress report of sorts (posted on main as well)

on 10/9/07 3:16 am

I will be six months out in one week (October 17th).  I have no nutritionist, no support group other than this website and its members.  My next appointment with my primary physician is next March. I have lost 75 pounds and I have gone from size 26 pants to 16.   Weigh loss has averaged 10 pounds a month but has sometimes been only 4 pounds in a month.    I take biotin, calcium citrate, multivitamin, zinc, and B complex.  I try to get in 64 ounces of water a day but don't always manage it--however if you count my two large cups of coffee each morning then I probably do get 64 ounces. In the last month I have averaged 726 calories a day.  I have averaged 61 grams of protein a day, 74 grams of carbs, 21 grams of fat. I go to water arobics twice a week.  That is all the exercise I do.  Energy levels are very low and I am getting nagged by my husband because I am so tired all of the time.  I can easily sleep ten hours, get up for a few hours, and then take a 2-3 hour nap before getting up again.  In fact this is becoming a pattern at least one day out of 3 each weekend. Hair loss has caused me to buy a wig.  I am gentle to my hair and only wash twice a week because of the hair loss.   I can eat only 2-3 ounces of meat but I still frequently feel sick afterwards.  I have one cup of yogurt and one cup of cottage cheese almost daily.  I eat very few veggies or fruit because if I eat the meat, there is no room for them.  I eat maybe 1/3-1/2 cup of rice or potatoes with my dinner to help get the meat down.   I practically live on yogurt and cottage cheese and I am getting sick of both.  I have no appetite and don't really want to eat.   I know I have posted all of this before.  It is just that nothing has changed.  I still cannot eat much because I get nauseous.  There is really NO food that appeals to me.  It is very difficult to cook for my husband when just making his food makes me feel rumbly in the tummy. 

I guess I am just feeling low this morning.  Thanks for listening.

This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
on 10/9/07 8:53 am - IN
I am just a patient like you but it sounds like you need more protein.  I would try drinking something like micellar because it has 40 grams of protein or world wide protein that comes in a can. 
on 10/9/07 12:58 pm - CA
Just a few questions - your lack of energy is troublesome Are you taking iron? Iron deficiency can cause lethargy (so can zinc deficiency and several b vitamin deficiencies) Are you taking B12? Lack of this nutrient leads to a type of anemia that can make you tired. Are you washing down you vitamins with coffee? Not a good idea if you want to maximize absorption Are you getting enough zinc? It is related to hair loss and even depression. Talk to your PCP about your supplements and consider increasing your protein a little (if you can) good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/9/07 11:51 pm

My bloodwork two weeks ago indicated that my iron levels are good (not anemic).  B vitamins were also very good.  I take B-100 complex daily.  I don't wash my vitamins down with coffee.  They are all chewables.  I add the caldium citrate capsules to my daily yogurt or cottage cheese.  The B-100 complex to a bottle of water (ugh).  Zinc is dissolved in my mouth as I drive to work.  Biotin is chewed first thing in the morning. 

I keep trying to up my protein--just not sure how since I don't have any appetite at all.  I cannot afford most protein supplements. Budget constraints limit my grocery budget to $100-125 a month for two of us.  By shopping sales (and because I don't eat much anymore), this is manageable. 

I did buy some frozen shrimp on sale yesterday.  I know it is packed with protein and will try to eat a 4 ounce serving today for lunch.  I can't usually hold 4 ounces of meat but somehow the shrimp seems to sit easier.  Should I be worried about the cholesterol in shrimp?  I have heard it is high.

Thank you for the feedback.  I really appreciate the help.

This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
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