Protein bar question

on 10/6/07 1:57 pm - Cumberland, MD
Hi. I am looking for a low carb high protein bar. I am keeping my carbs under 20 grams a day. I am to get 123 grams of protein in a day according to my nutritionist so I don't have a lot of room for any other food but protein. Can you suggest any bars that might fit my needs. Tthank you. Jo

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(deactivated member)
on 10/7/07 4:36 am
Hey Jo, Fancy meeting you over here I actually eat the atkins bars, mostly the PB and chocolate morning bars. They work really well for me - they have 15 carbs, but 7 of that is fiber (which is a big deal for me right now!). There are 11 grams of protein too. I have to admit, I don't usually like protein bars - most of them seem to have this weird taste to them. But I like these and they are perfect for a snack. Ive had other people tell me they hated these, so a lot depends on your taste. Target has a huge selection of protein bars and you can buy them individually so you don't have to spend a lot of money buying a box and then disliking them. I have also heard people swear by the Oh Yeah! wafers, those are suppose to be great. Someday maybe I'll try those.
on 10/7/07 8:47 am - Cumberland, MD

Too funny, I should have known all the answers I could every want would be at our usual haunting place. Thanks for the info. I am going into Balto this coming weekend and will go to target then. Cumberland doesn't have much in the way of store. Thanks. Jo

Joteddie1.jpg Century Club Card image by joteddie

on 10/8/07 5:45 am - New Bern, NC
I really enjoy Power Crunch, they have several flavors, carbs are around 5 in all the flavors and all have around 14 grams of protein...They're lite and airy in texture to me and I really enjoy them, especially when I want a little sweet treat... Good Luck...Alesia
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