
on 10/5/07 5:08 pm - Westminster, CA
I just passed my 3 year mark last month and have really struggled. I lost 117 and have gained back around 20+. I spoke with my doctor in August who said I need to consume 1000 calories or less to kick start my body back into "lose" mode. How do you get in 1000 calories and feel FULL. My biggest problem and setback through this whole process has been motivation and food choices and always feeling HUNGRY. I do have an upper GI scheduled for Monday to check out the status of the pouch and see if that could be part of the problem. So my question for you is what should I be eating and how do I reach the full feeling and maintain it while only eating 1000 calories. I have tried talking to nutritionist at my doctors office but they haven't been much help. Can someone PLEASE help me.

**avatar photo =my 2 little sisters**


366/249/286-WORKING TO LOSE!!!

on 10/6/07 12:08 pm - CA
Just being honest here  At 1000 calories you probably will feel hungry.   It is a very low calorie level and hunger will go along with that.  Anyone who has ever gone on a weight loss diet with calorie defecit as the goal knows that hunger is a part of it.  At some point your goal of weight loss has to overcome the nagging hungries.   The flipside of reducing your calories so much is that you body may go in to a 'starvation' mode and hang on to every fat cell for dear life - thereby causing you to maintain (not lose) weight. I think part of your focus also needs to be on exercise.  If you are relying solely on your calorie intake to manage your weight you will likely find yourself with un-wanted weight gain.  Are you exercising? Do you have a good idea of the intensity of exercise you need to participate in to create a weight loss?   You need to write down everything you eat, calculate the calories and adjust your diet accordingly. You need to exercise every day. Having the surgery is only part of the solution - you also need to have a plan and work your plan. good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

on 10/6/07 11:37 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Protein, Protein, Protein and LOTS of water. I lost 180 pounds. I had no more than 1000-1200 calories a day when losing.I had gastric bypass 160 months ago. I still get hungry at times, I eat protein and drink water and that seems to make the hunger go away. I had a lower body lift recently(7 weeks ago) and had to get my blood sugar down a bit. I went on a very high protein, low carb plan and started losing again(didn't mean to, was already at goal) But because I concentrated so much on high protein low carb, I lost. May want to try that, It worked for me. good luck!!
on 10/9/07 6:29 am - Ft Laud, FL
I too have gained 15 lbs at 4 years out...not just lbs but INCHES right in my waist and hips. I feel like the pillsbury dough girl! Needless to say I want to get these off. I gained on 2000 or so I went to 1000 and back to protien drinks 2 times a day. MY question much PROTEIN, CARBS, FAT should we aim for (or try not to go over)? No, I'm not an exerciser but hope to do more. I can't do the exercises needed to slim the waist as I have ostroperosis in the hip and ostropernia in the spine. I do need low impact weight bearing exercises.
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