Message from the Diet & Nutrition Forum Moderators

on 10/5/07 7:01 am, edited 10/8/07 4:35 am - Costa Mesa, CA

The Registered Dietitians from are pleased to act as moderators on the Diet and Nutrition Forum for  The intent of this forum is to provide science based general information on a wide variety of nutrition topics common to pre, post and non-surgical weight loss.


Though individualized issues may be of concern, this forum is NOT intended to address personal or confidential issues.  Each person has his or her own unique medical and nutrition history.  Nutrition therapy REQUIRES that the Dietitian review your personal history and make recommendations specific to your needs.  We cannot ethically ignore your medical history and give individualized advice.  


I would also like to clarify what we do at as we have received a boat-load of questions and requests.  We actually exist to provide a more convenient and cost effective form of personalized medical nutrition therapy (nutrition counseling) exclusively by Registered Dietitians for pre & post WLS patients and non-surgical weight management patients.  We also provide this type of service to many other nutrition-impacted conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Celiac disease, pediatrics, etc.

It is important to have a knowledgeable Registered Dietitian working with you to navigate the diet changes you need to make before, during and after WLS.  While many of you participate in nutrition education as provided by your physician’s practice, many others go without this very important aspect of WLS.  Diet changes are paramount to successful weight loss and positive outcomes from WLS. 

If you do not have your own personal Registered Dietitian, there are WLS experienced Dietitians that can help you on an individual basis at  All of our services are provided online via a HIPAA compliant secure server at an affordable price.  As we say, you can do it at home in your fuzzy slippers without breaking the bank!

I hope that this clears up any confusion about the intent of this forum and the types of services that are available at your fingertips.  If you have questions, please contact us at 



Melania Behrens, MA, RD
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!
on 10/5/07 7:53 am - Costa Mesa, CA
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