6 to 7 "meals a day

on 9/30/07 12:40 pm
I get confused on eating the 6 to 7 meals a day deal .. I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia approx 2 yrs out after having had a seizure and still to this day do .. last one was July 3, 2007 and they always say eat 6 to 7 meals a day .. it's not that I haven't asked before cuz I have but after awhile ya hear what others interpretation is and ya second guess what ya thought was right .. or at least that is how I am .. so does that mean like literally 6 to 7 meals a day .. and if so how is that broken down .. or is that like .. sorry am having a brainfreeze here while typing and can't even think .. please clarify for me .. I have gotten off track a bit and need to get back .. would like to know what others think it is and what they do .. I don't wanna copy anyone's plans just want to get it clear in my head .. besides I can be a picky eater! smile .. Thanks much, Rhonda
on 9/30/07 11:39 pm - Albany, NY
I eat 5 to 6 meals a day, but I don't think of them as meals per say.  I take my Max calories per day and devide by my meals.  The trouble with thinking about them as "meals" for me is at first my calories went way up.  Now for me they are just portions of my daily total.  I eat a fairly boring diet. very similarly everyday.  I like it that way.  it takes alot of the guess work out for me. Good luck
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/07 12:27 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I eat 6-8 times per day, but I tend to think of it as 3 meals plus 3-5 planned snacks.  Here's a normal day for me: Breakfast:  1 cup 1% milk in 2 cups of coffee 1 packet Quaker Weight Control oatmeal Mid-morning snack:  1 cup cottage cheese w/ 4 tbsp. sugar-free preserves & 2 packets of Splenda 2nd morning snack:  banana or apple or some other fruit (I only eat this if I am going to the gym to work out at lunch) Lunch:  Lean Cuisine or WW Smart Ones frozen meal - I look for meals in the 220-260 calorie range, with 16-24 grams of protein and less than 35 grams of carbs sometimes add a serving of fruit or a vegetable too Early afternoon snack:  8 oz. Breyer's Light yogurt w/ 1/3 c. All Bran Buds (13 grams of fiber!) Late afternoon snack:  1 slice whole-grain bread, 3 slices smoked turkey deli meat, 1 slice low-fat cheese sometimes add 1/2 serving of pretzels or crackers NOTE:  I only eat this late afternoon snack if I'm going to the gym after work, or if I need to run errands after work and will be late getting home for supper Dinner/supper:  lean protein, veggie & a salad - whatever is on the menu for that day at home (we sit down on Sunday and plan menus for the week) Evening snack:  I allow myself 100-150 calories for an evening treat.  Sometimes it's 2 sugar-free fudgesicles, or a Starbucks mocha bar, or a 100-calorie snack pack of some sort.  Just depends on what I'm in the mood for... I try to follow some general principles.  First, I like to eat some protein, carbs, and fat each time I eat.  That helps keep me satiated until my next "feeding."  Second, I try to get 50% of my daily calories from carbs, 25% from protein, and 25% from fat.  Some days I'm more successful than others, but that's the general goals.  That ratio works for me based on my activity level.  You might need something slightly different. depending on your activity level.  Third, I keep track of everything I eat so I don't wind up taking in too many calories.  I'm an avid exerciser, so I need 2000-2200 calories per day.  I'll get that in the typical day I've outlined above.  If I wasn't keeping track of my food, I think it would be super easy to eat more than I actually intend.  You can use fitday.com or sparkpeople.com for online tracking.   I tinkered around with a few plans before I found something that worked for me.  Just keep fine-tuning until you find something that works for you and your body!  Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
on 10/2/07 12:29 pm - Northwood, IA
Hey Kelli! I noticed your caloric intake and you being an "avid exerciser".  When you say avid.. how much are you doing?  If you don't mind me asking?  I asked my PA at the office how many calories for life.. she said 1200.. like almost as if it was a blanket statement for everyone.  I have talked to the Nuts on here and they have all given me awesome advice and basically that I am gonna have to up em little by little.  I am 7 lbs from goal now.. still losing 10 a month.  I eat 1000 a day.  I run 2-3 miles a day and do circuit training now (newly added).  I wonder if 1200 will be right for me?  I need to get that metabolic test done to know for sure.  How did you realize you needed 2000?  Just curious.  Thanks!
Hugs, Melissa 


RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 10/1/07 11:48 am
Thanks Carla and Kellie,   Your input gave me some much needed clarification .. I guess thinking of them as "meals" is what is throwing me here .. smile .. I have used fitday.com but then got lazy but guess I need to get over that and start it back up again .. am thinking maybe if I write out my food plans for the day and go ahead and enter them into fitday then maybe I will be more apt to follow that .. smile .. Thanks bunches!
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