Total Sugars or Carbs?

Farrah W
on 9/27/07 4:03 am - Tallahassee, FL
I'm 2 years out from Lap-RNY and was wondering what a typical post-op should be paying attention to? The total number of sugars or total carbs in a product? Should I stay below a certain amount of sugars or total carbs and if so, what's that number? Is it per meal or per day? 
on 9/28/07 3:06 am - CA
This is a very general question. In total, you should have an idea of where you need your carb level needs to be.  If you're not sure - check with your dietitian.  You diet should be planned with a goal for carbs, protein, and fat intake. Total carbs are important to monitor for your daily intake.  Low sugar (less than 5 g per serving) is a good choice if dumping is a problem or if you are looking at reducing your carb intake.  Fiber is also important and should be added to your daily tally. Per meal or per day - that's a tough question.  On your birthday, you may want a piece of cake.  If you can tolerate it, it will be a "high" sugar item.  If you keep the rest of your birthday lower sugar - you can have your cake and still meet your goals for the day.  It just takes a little planning. regards,
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition,
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

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