weight gain

on 9/25/07 5:08 am
hello I had RNY on 02/02/06 and at one year I had lost 110 lbs and I wanted to lose another 5 pounds. I lost 3lbs then in the last two months I have gained 8 lbs total. My weight is 150 lbs and I would like to weigh 140 lbs. I eat 5 small meals a day and drink at least 96 oz water a day. I run about 15 miles a week, attend spin class twice a week and weight train twice a week. I have just increased my running to prepare for a half marathon in January. My biggest downfall is that I love to have either 2 glasses of wine or a drink in the evening which I know is empty calories. I eat around 1600 calories a day and exercise 5 times a week and burn about 800 calories at the gym. Do you think its the increased running or alchol making me gain. How can I lose the 10 lbs and maintain. Any suggestions welcome.
on 9/26/07 12:52 pm - CA
I am re-posting some information Melania posted a few weeks ago - just so I don't have to re-type it (thanks Melania!) There are a couple ways to increase metabolism, namely aerobic exercise and resistance training that builds muscle mass.  You see, muscle is metabolically more active than fat, which is why men lose weight faster than women ( genetically woman have more fat than men...so unfair isn't it?)!  ...one's meatbolic rate depends on many factors including medical history, dieting history etc., I can only provide general information at this point.  However, for someone who is exercising 5-6 days per week, 1600 calories per day may not be enough calories.  I know the concept that "you have to eat to lose" is a difficult one to get your head around, but think of food as fuel like gas is to a car.  If you don't put enough fuel in your tank, things don't run right.  Your body may be actually decreasing it's metabolic rate to compensate for the lack of calories it needs to function on a daily basis in addition to the calories it is burning during your exercise sessions.   You know the alcohol calories are empty - but it's a personal choice.  For the record, women are not recommended to have more than 1 drink per day. I would try increasing your calories for a week or so and see the response.  Keep up the exercise and water - let's see if that gets you over the hump! Good Luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

(deactivated member)
on 9/28/07 10:22 pm
If you eat 1600 calories a day and weigh 150 lbs then you burn 10.6 cal per pound of you.  If you eat 107 calories less a day you will eventually weigh 140 lbs.  I also have to eat only 50 calories a day less to weigh 160 from 170.  This seems easy but I am actually having problems keeping my calories under 1600 rather than 1650.  It sounds so simple doesn't it?  The flip side of the coin is to burn 100 calories more.  I am maxed out at the swimming pool and injuries keep me from standing and moving too much more.  good luck to you, Linda
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