What part of the small intestine does what?

Robin W.
on 9/24/07 2:01 am - Fort Mill, SC
Specifically, is there a diagram or something that shows what part tends to digest what type of foods?  Or does the entire thing digest everything equally?  I'm curious to know how particular bypass length makes a difference in absorption of what. thanks!
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! - RWeber1.qhealthbeauty.com
on 9/24/07 2:49 am - Costa Mesa, CA
I don't know how to add a diagram, but I can type it out: Stomach: gastic juice, pepsin, HCl, alcohol Duodenum: pancreatic juice, bicarbonate, enzymes, chloride, iron, calcuim, magnesium, bile Jejunum: intestinal brush border enzymes (protein absorption), sugar, vitamin C, B1, B6, folic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K, fat, cholesterol, bile salts, B12 (needs intrinisic factor from stomach) Colon: Sodium, potassium, vitamin K, water You would need to know the specifics of your surgery to determine this yourself. You should discuss with your surgeon. Sara Nejat-Bina, RD, CNSD, CDE
Robin W.
on 9/24/07 3:54 am - Fort Mill, SC
Thanks Sara!  That helps a lot.  I have 200 cm bypassed on one limb and 60 on the other, so I will find a diagram and see if I can make this make sense (I'm a visual kinda person).  Thanks so much for your help!
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! - RWeber1.qhealthbeauty.com
on 9/24/07 6:04 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Have your surgeon draw you a diagram. I'm sure he or she has done it before, may even have a copy in his or her office. Then you can compare it to my post and figure out what is going on .... :) Sara
Jen Jen J.
on 9/26/07 7:49 am - Houston, TX
I have an awesome diagram that was done by DX that details all the new anatomy and what vit/minerals gets absorbed where.   I cannot get it to paste, send me a pm with your email and I will forward it to you

God Bless! Jen 
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