High protein, no carb

Michelle N.
on 9/22/07 3:46 am - Henderson, NV
I had Lapband surgery in April and had my 3rd fill yesterday. I've hit a plateau which I am fine with and understand but the ARNP that I met with said they want their patients to lose as much weight as we can, as fast as we can. We should be eating only/mostly protein. No veggies or fruits. And I should still be drinking my protein shakes whenever I get hungry or have an urge to snack. I know the Band was to help with quantity of food eaten but I also thought it would work with a healthy, well rounded diet. I am also concerned because she is not a NUT and they don't have one on staff. I do go the gm 3 times a week with a personal trainer. Any advice?
on 9/22/07 6:06 am - CA
ARNP - this is a Nurse Practitioner, right? I'm a little biased, I suppose, and feel strongly that the nutrition benefits of fruits and vegetables are irreplaceable in a healthy diet.  The nutrients and phytochemicals present in whole fruits and vegetables cannot be processed into a pill in their pure form.  Study after study has shown that supplements do not mimic the health promoting benefits of whole foods.  I also question this practice because even on the very restrictive high protein diets, there is room for vegetables (the carb content is not high, only 5g in most veggies).   With your procedure being back in April, you probably have a good idea of how soft your veggies need to be to tolerate them (get them past the band).  If intolerance is their concern.  It's not uncommon for fruits to be limited or restricted - but veggies too?  I'm sure that whole grains and legumes are forbidden as well... With your group - Is there an accompanying recommendation to meet your vitamin and mineral needs?  To meet your fiber needs?  Is there a time duration suggested for this very inadequate diet? If not, I would talk to them (your surgeon & NP) about your concerns and ask if they have an Registered Dietitian (RD) they refer to - since they don't have one on staff. I applaud you for questioning their practice.  I had a teacher who once said "Your health is too important to trust it to others".  It's better to ask the questions and seek to understand their rationale and then evaluate if this is the best thing for you. Best of luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

Michelle N.
on 9/22/07 8:17 am - Henderson, NV
The doctors last name if Fox and they have come up with a diet they call The Foxkins Diamond. If it was alive, we can eat it. It includes the surgery, food, phentermine something else I can't remember to resemble a baseball diamond. The NP has decided to take me off of the phentermine because it was causing high bp which I never had before. Swallowing of the veggies and fruit isn't an issue, I do know how soft foods have to be but they want fast and huge weight loss and they claim eating only protein will do that, with no time frame or limit. I take 1500 mg of Calcium and 4 Chewable Multi Vitamins a day.  I have another check up next month and I will ask about an RD.
(deactivated member)
on 9/22/07 2:15 pm - Los Angeles, CA
I just googled "Foxkins" diet. The fact that they would advocate phentermine seems ridiculous, if not unhealthy. Good for you for questioning!
Michelle N.
on 9/23/07 9:07 am - Henderson, NV
I'm no longer taking the Phentermine since it has caused high bp since I started on it in Feb. I never had high bp before but this is the first time one of them has mentioned it. The more i think about all this the more confused I am and don't know who to believe anymore.
Larissa P.
on 9/22/07 11:44 am - Denton, TX
I'm a little concerned, too, that they rule out veggies and fruits, even Atkins didn't say that! Speaking of which, have you read his books? It may give you some insight to learn why certain high carb foods work against you, etc.
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Michelle N.
on 9/22/07 12:41 pm - Henderson, NV
No I haven't read it but I get it. I was just shocked that she would say that, it contradicts everything I was ever taught about a healthy diet. I wonder if she would tell someone that who hadn't had the surgery. I'm guessing its not a run of the mill diet. My trainer is going to flip when I tell her.
Michelle N.
on 9/23/07 9:15 am - Henderson, NV
I just googled it too. I was on the diet pre-op but I assumed once we healed it would be back to a normal, healthy diet. How do they expect us to eat only protein for a year? I take my vitamins but that can't be enough to maintain a healthy body. I know I got the band to help lose weight but not at the possible expense of my health. I calling for an RD tomorrow.
on 9/24/07 3:38 am - Stockton, CA
I totally question the "phentermine" too!    Bottom line is....EAT LESS, BURN MORE to lose weight....we all know that a low carb, low fat healthy diet with PORTION control is what WORKS and what will keep us HEALTHY! GOOD CARBS like fruits, veggies and grains...just start substituting grains for anything white and monitor your sugar and fat intake.  If you eat LEAN protien first...you'll get full and feel satiated.  THAT IS KEY! Does that mean you cant ever have desert or something else you like? NO!  It just means in MODERATION...EVERYTHING!! Protien only can also pack alot of calories if your eating alot of cheese or nuts etc....we think we are doing good but the calorie intake is still there! PROTEIN FIRST NO SNACKING or GRAZING EXERCISE 30 MINUTES DAILY (at least) WATER WATER WATER!!! GOOD LUCK!  Of course i'm no dietician or nutritionist...but I am almost 4 years post op and holding steady! Julie  =) P.S.  When my weight is up a bit...I know what i'm doing wrong and I think we ALL DO!   When this happens I like to write my daily intake down...you might be surprised at how easily those calories sneak in.  Yes, we are human!  But I VOW to NEVER GO BACK THERE!!

~~ Julie ~~

(deactivated member)
on 9/26/07 11:37 pm - Newport, PA

The RD's who (wo)man this forum are also available through an internet site.  I think your doctor is striving for some weird "statistics" that say that his patients do so well, blah, blah, blah....

Personally, I have fresh fruit every single day, as well as veggies, most days.  I get in my protein with foods and protein bullets.  In 3.5 months I have released 57lbs.  My recent bloodwork was perfect. That seems "rapid" enough, for me!  Even though I swallow a fist full of pills, daily, it seems to me that a balanced diet is the most important thing to establish!  In my opinion, fad diets are just that, FADS, and usually impossible to follow, long term!

The fact that your doctor also puts people on diet drugs....hmmmmmmm....you are a wise woman to be looking at a different approach for your body!

Hang in there!  Linda

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