1 wk postop protein absorption...

on 9/20/07 11:14 pm - miami, FL

hello everyone,  i am 1 wk roux en y post op, on a puree diet & was wondering what is the best time to drink protein bullets for better absorption and how much time should i wait before drinking after them... anyone have any experience with new-whey42gm protein bullets? i find myself a bit overwhelmed and am looking to have these protein satisfy a main portion of my 80 grams of daily protein. looking forward to your responses.

on 9/21/07 12:42 pm - CA
There is no better time for absorption. Your body will gladly receive all the protein you take it. It is tough at first to meet your daily protein needs - just stick with it and it should get easier in time. Good luck!
Danielle Halewijn, RD,CNSD
Director of Nutrition, eNutritionCare.com
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained within is meant to be general nutrition advice. Please consult your Registered Dietitian about your specific problem!

(deactivated member)
on 9/26/07 11:27 pm - Newport, PA

When I first came home, post-op, I kept shot glasses in the freezer, put 1oz. of protein bullet in at a time, and sipped, sipped, sipped.  I have used almost nothing but these bullets, and at 3 months my bloodwork was perfect!  At 3.5 months I have experienced no significant hair loss, which is another plus of getting in ALL of your protein from day #1. 

Now, I pour 3oz of bullet into 16oz water and get this down between meals when I am in the "drinking, not eating" stage of the day!  You can add a bit of Crystal Light or some other flavoring, too.

Congratulations on your entry into ReleaseLand!

SmileZ, Linda

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