How Warm or Hot can I make protien shake????

Robin W.
on 9/17/07 10:36 pm - Franklin, OH
I was always told that you could NEVER warm protein shakes.  I LOVE to have HOT/WARM COCO for breakfast.  Could I do this with my morning protein shake????????? The way I make my reg SF hot coco is water for 1:30 in the microwave and that put the water temp about 140-160. Is this to hot for the protien. Thanks,  Robin

4'10" - 47 I'm short but not petite and I will weigh more than a 5th grader
Start weight 220 
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"  Dr. Seuss

on 9/18/07 1:24 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Robin, Danielle answered a similar question about heating protein in another post.  To summarize that info, when you heat up something with protein in it, ithe protein is denatured but heating doesn't harm the amino acids (which are the small building blocks of proteins).  Think of making a fried egg, when you heat the egg, the clear egg white turns opaque white which is denaturation of the protein.  Once eaten, the body breaks it down into amino acids; this will give your body 7 grams of complete protein.  Incidentally, eggs are considered the perfect protein as each egg contains all the essential amino acids in the correct proportions.   If you enjoy heating up your drink, by all means heat it up!  Melania Behrens, MA, RD
on 9/18/07 4:38 am
I have asked the same question.  I drink mine heated every morning.  It is 8 oz and I heat for 55 seconds.  The box it comes in says to not heat over 140 degrees.  I asked a chef last night and he said if it is not too hot to drink after 55 seconds then it not over 140. Hope this helps! Tamara
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