Fluid intake?

on 9/15/07 1:12 pm - CA
Hi there, I've had no problem getting my 64 oz. of water in and an occasional Crystal Light.  If I'm at work or at the gym it's easy to drink my water.  After I get home it's another story, I can hardly look a****er.  So, my question is, can we count jello, decaf. tea, or broth towards are liquids if we're in the solid food stage?  I feel silly asking this but am confused, again. Thanks for the help, Paula
(deactivated member)
on 9/15/07 8:16 pm - FL
I came here to ask that same question!  I will be watching for the responses too.  Thanks!
on 9/15/07 11:39 pm - IN
My doc and nut say yes.  Broth, decaf (but only decaf!) coffee or tea, popsicles, juice, milk, protein drinks can all count as fluids which is what my group tells its patients- you need 64+ oz. of fluids.
on 9/16/07 1:54 am - CA

I'm confused because I thought they had to be non-caloric at this stage.



A. B.
on 9/16/07 7:24 am
I think as long as its 50 calories or less, then it can be counted towards your fluids.
on 9/16/07 9:19 am - CA

I have answered this before - I really need to get better at re-posting old answers... Here's you go.  Every food contains fluid, some more than others.  Would you consider watermelon a food? Sure, but you know it's mostly water, right? With liquids like milk and protein shakes, there is less water in them than in iced tea or broth.  Clinically, we count these foods as providing about 85% of their volume as fluids.  Some MDs and dietitians let you count the whole volume as fluid. With clear stuff like jello, broth, popsicles, tea, etc. you can count the whole volume towards your liquid goal. The amount of calories in the foods doesn't have any bearing on the water content - it has to do with the amount of molecules dissolved in the fluid.  Make sense? regards, Danielle Halewijn RD eNutritioncare.com

on 9/17/07 8:07 am - CA


Thank you so much!  I read somewhere about non-caloric fluid intake and it totally confused me because I hadn't heard that and I'm 7 wks. post-op!

thanks again,


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