Ideas for increasing metabolism?

Robin W.
on 9/15/07 11:37 am - Fort Mill, SC
What are good ways to increase metabolism.  My history:  I've been obese o super morbidly obese for almost all of my 48 years.   Weighed about 180 in high school, reaching 423 at age 46.   I've dieted frequently in my life, lost significant amounts and gained it back and some.  I had RNY with fobi band in May of this year.  Pre-op I lost 40 lbs on a 800-1000 cal diet, post op have lost an additional 53 lbs.  I feel like over the course of my life, my metabolism has slowed to almost zero!  I am exercising an hour each day (currently using the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds dvd, doing the 2 mile brisk walk twice).  Any ideas? 
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
on 9/16/07 11:22 am - Costa Mesa, CA

Robin, Hi! I just posted a response to Michelle71 with ideas on how to increase metabolism.  Please watch for this response.  If you have questions after that, please post any other questions that you may have. Melania Behrens, MA, RD

Robin W.
on 9/16/07 11:05 pm - Fort Mill, SC
Good morning, Melania (and all!)! I do have one quick question.  I read in the fitness section of the OH website and article that says you have to walk 2 miles at a time (no limit on time but must be consistent is how I read it) to get your body to go from burning glucose to burning fat.  Also, that during sleep, your body slows down the metabolism and so you should try to get the two miles in once you get up, so your body will step up the metabolism.  Then, once you've done that walk, your body will burn fat for 4-6 hours before it slows back down again.  All this to say, do I need to do 2 miles in one stretch or will four half miles spaced out over several hours do the trick?  Also, is the time of day important?   thanks again for all your help.
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
on 9/17/07 6:20 am - Costa Mesa, CA
Robin, There is no magic as to when you exercise  as long as it is done on a consistent basis.  During light to moderate exercise, carbohydrates supply about 50% of the body's energy requirements while the other 50% is supplied by stored fat for which humans have an unlimited supply (even the leanest athletes have sufficient fat storage to meet the metabolic demands of strenuous execise).  During the first few minutes of exercise, there is a time lag between when free fatty acids from fat tissue are delivered to the exercising muscles at which time carbohydrates are used for energy.  It takes approximately 30-60 minutes for free fatty acids to increase enough in the blood to be used as fuel.  This is why long duration, low intensity exercise (walking, swimming, etc) are recommended for weight loss and exhaust the carbohydrate reserves in the first 30 minutes and then turn to burning fat.   To answer your other question, I would aim to exercise for at least 30 minutes or more of continuous per day.  There is no magic to walking 2 miles or any other distance...the key is duration (the length of time that you exercise at a training heart rate).  Remember that the effects of exercise are cumulative; you could walk, garden, ride your bike each for 10-15 minutes per day but in terms of cardiorespiratory health, I would shoot for 30 minutes or more of continuous exercise that you enjoy. There are many things that influence metabolism but a few studies have shown the following:  1) Eating breakfast jump starts your system and can increase the resting metabolic rate by about 10% and 2) Exercise after a meal expends more energy (calories) than does exercising before a meal.  Hope that helps! Melania Behrens, MA, RD
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