Sara, Melania, Danielle, THANK YOU

Robin W.
on 9/13/07 1:23 pm - Fort Mill, SC
I know we've said it within some of the threads, but thank you all so much for sharing your knowledge and experience.  It makes a huge difference to hear from folks *****ad and understand peer review studies.  Many blessings and hugs for all you do!
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
on 9/13/07 2:09 pm - CA
Thank you for taking the time to write that. You are welcome!  Moderating this forum has been very interesting!  I can honestly say the topics on the message boards have led to some intriguing conversations amongst us.   Oh - don't forget Jeanne is here too! with thanks, Danielle
on 9/13/07 2:33 pm - Costa Mesa, CA
Robin: We are happy to be here to help answer questions and clarify information.  Danielle, Sara Jeanne and I look forward to helping as much as we can on this forum.  Stay tuned for pertinent nutrition articles! Melania Behrens, MA, RD
on 9/14/07 1:39 am - Costa Mesa, CA
You're welcome! Glad we can be of help. :)
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