I need answers because I am totally regretting what I've done!
So I posted a couple of days ago about being a picky eater. Well, I received lots of replys about things I could eat. The problem, I DON'T LIKE CHICKEN SALAD, TUNA, SHRIMP, VEGETABLES, COTTAGE CHEESE, PRETTY MUCH WHATEVER WAS LISTED!
So, now knowing this, does anyone have any ideas of what I can actually CHEW to gain some satisfaction. I am not trying to sound *****y or ungrateful, I promise. I am just so frustrated. I have to be on a liquid diet for the next two weeks due to a stricture (going back in on the 24th to have my stoma (?) stretched again), but after that I am going to have a major need to chew. So far the only things that I have chewed would be saltine crackers. Of course, they have absolutely NO nutritional value.
I am regretting this whole surgery thing right now.
I guess I should have looked more in depth about food choices before I went under the knife. Boy, I would kill for a Sonic Cheeseburger with extra onions right now.
I have two co-workers who had the rny about 4 years ago. They pretty much eat whatever they want. They have both done pretty well keeping the weight off.
When will I be able to eat a grilled chicken breast, a hamburger patty, meatloaf, pork chops, etc.? The one time last week that I tried meatloaf, I had to chew it until it was BLAH! And I LOVE meatloaf! I was so discouraged!
I can't take it anymore. Please someone help me!

OK - you're stuck on liquids and not a very happy camper.
You will be able to eat a sonic burger, but not right now!
It is the displeasure with chew,chew,chewing food that gets many people post-op to just give up on food. You get a totally different experience with your food when you have to spend so much time chewing it! It's not uncommon for people to just grind up their food so they can get the chewing part out ot the way.
I could say - so what do you like?
But, I'm not going to.
I think you needed to vent, you are frustrated, this whole thing isn't what you expected it to be...
Your life has now changed.
You are in a great place on OH getting the support you need.
Good Luck!
Danielle Halewijn RD