4 months out....what should my caloric intake be?

on 9/12/07 7:02 am - Houston area, TX
I have heard a litany of different answers and figured I should add on to them and ask here, too.   My stats: 235....5'5" I have lost 64 pounds since 5/8/07 I do 30 minutes of interval training on the elliptical 6 days a week followed by weight-training (about 30 minutes).  I alternate arms, chest/back, and legs each day.  Badically, I burn A LOT of calories through exercising. I have been maintaining my calories between 700-1100.  Days like today, where I ate an OH YEAH protein bar and added 210 calories onto my day,  can bring me as high as 1200 calories.  I know this may be too high.  The problem is that I am building muscle right now and my weight loss is slow so I am not sure if it is calories or just muscles building that have caused the slow up. I guess, I am just at a loss right now and getting obsessed with my caloric intake.  My nutritionist said 1100-1400, my surgeon said 800-1000, and my surgeon's assistant said 800-1200.  What is right?


299 start/235 current/180 doc goal/165 my goal

on 9/12/07 12:33 pm - CA
Let me summarize: You got a range of 800-1400 calories from your professionals You average 700-1100 calories by your calculations. You're doing 1 hour of exercise 6 days per week. YOU'RE DOING FANTASTIC!! You are right in thinking that the scale won't move as fast - muscle weighs more than fat.  I think you can feel confident that you are doing the right thing.  Stop obsessing! Keep up the great work! Danielle Halewijn RD eNutritioncare.com
on 9/13/07 11:31 am - Houston area, TX
I appreciate your answer and your assistance in helping me to believe I am on the right track.  Thank you a million times! I guess my concern is that I am hungrier with the exercise and I hit closer to 1000 calories than 700.  Is this going to slow me up?


299 start/235 current/180 doc goal/165 my goal

on 9/13/07 10:11 pm - Houston area, TX
....and......I just found out I have gained two pounds this week.


299 start/235 current/180 doc goal/165 my goal

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