I am wondering if it is ok to use flax seed powder to help with this. I am almost 15months out and haveing a bad time with this. I have been adding it in my yoguart. 1 talblespoon a day for the last week and seems to be helping but just want to make sure it is ok with our bodies now. Thank you for your time.

Debbie M
Rny 6/20/06 299/180/170
I don't see any obvious contraindication. If you have been tolerating it well, it shouldn't be a problem. A word about flax seed - it may decrease absorption of drugs because it makes a sort of 'gel' in the intestine (mucilage is the technical term). Keep this is mind when taking your supplements or medications.
The second thing about flax is it can go bad easily, so buy it fresh and store it in the refrigerator or freezer.
-Danielle Halewijn RD