Don't have nutritionist---some questions

on 9/12/07 1:54 am
Hello, First of all, I don't have a nutritionist.  I had my surgery in Dehli, India.  My primary care physician is excellent but is not specifically trained in bariatric anything.  My next blood panels are this Friday and my visit to him on the 21st where I will learn how I am doing five months out.  I have lost 68 pounds.  I do water arobics twice a week as my only exercise. Digestive issues:  Lactose intolerant, whey protein makes me ill, animal protein is difficult to digest and I get nauseous from it but I keep trying.  I am trying to add some shrimp and imitation crab to my menu for protein but cannot afford the shrimp on a weekly basis--only when it is on sale.  I can only eat a little tuna at a time because of dryness and nausea.  I cannot eat eggs of any sort because of nausea.  Soy milk also made me sick and was way too expensive.  Tofu also did not sit very well. My grocery budget for two is $100 a month because I am still paying off my surgery at over $1000 a month.  I had to put it on my credit card.  My budget does NOT allow for protein bullets, supplements, energy bars, or anything else.  It is hard enough to make meals for two on $100.   I have added soy nuts which have 10 grams of protein per ounce and cost 99 cents at Big Lots for six ounces.  They don't taste great but I choke them down when my protein levels are very low. In the last month, my low on daily protein was 23 grams.  Everything that day made me sick.  My high was yesterday at 71 grams.  Most days I am around 45 grams.  I eat one cup of yogurt every morning, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and a tomato at lunch (yesterday I had the shrimp which boosted the protein way up).  Most dinners are canned soup--I try to find 8-10 grams pwer serving.  When I do cook meat, I can eat only two ounces with 1/2 cup of rice or potatoes.  I have to shred the meat and add to the carbs to get it down.    I can eat about one half cup of pinto beans before feeling too full.  I know I need 75-80 grams of protein per my doctor.  I just have SUCH difficulty getting it in.  I am not hungry and sometimes even cooking for my husband turns my stomach. Any suggestions would be helpful.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
on 9/12/07 3:06 pm - CA
It seems to me you know what you need to do.  Protein is expensive, it's true.  Some people are able to get free samples (I've seen the posts).  Beans are also a good, inexpensive choice In my opinion, it is paramount that you get in adequate protein and that you take your supplements.  If you can't afford these items, can you afford to get really sick? I would encourage you to try & find a way to make it work - at the same time, I understand that sometimes finances don't allow us to do the things we may need/want to do.  So, you do what you can. Best of luck! Danielle Halewijn RD
on 9/13/07 1:42 am
Correction:  When I said supplements, I meant protein supplements.  I do get vitamins, biotin, zinc, calcium citrate, vitamin B 12 complex from Vitamin World.  Every month for the first Monday and Tuesday, you can buy one, get one free. As for getting sick---believe it or not, prescriptions (generic) are usually only $5 a month.   Sad to say it  but they are more affordable than the supplements!  I think the whole insurance game is to keep us sick and keep those dollars rolling into the doctors and drug companies!  My husband says it is a mass conspiracy to kill off the poor people.   Thank you for the comments and feedback.  I will keep trying to work more beans into things--just gets tiring, you know? Again, thank you.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
Robin W.
on 9/13/07 2:41 am - Fort Mill, SC
I'm not a pro, but have some thoughts.  If the goal is get the protein, maybe you can cook the meat and add it to the soup to get it down?  "Beefing" it up so to speak.  Rather than eating it with the rice and potatoes?  Or adding beans to some soups.  On days when dense stuff is too much, making a soupy kind of thing with my protein has helped me.  Oh, or blending the meat to a puree consistency.  Cooking it in the crock pot can make it really soft and soupable too.  Good luck!
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
on 9/13/07 3:33 am
What an excellent suggestion!   I could easily chop the meat into "sawdust" when I cook for my husband and then just add to canned soup for myself!   I will give this a try!  Thank you.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
Robin W.
on 9/13/07 3:44 am - Fort Mill, SC
I'm so glad I could help!  Please let us know how it works for you. 
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
Robin W.
on 9/14/07 6:24 am - Fort Mill, SC
Michelle (Eggface) posted on the main board that she made a pot of soup yesterday.  The recipe is on her blog.  Here's the link:   Recipes & Rambling:   I haven't checked it out yet, but when I saw the post I thought of you and wanted to make sure you saw it.  You might want to search through this website for other soup ideas, too.
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
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