Trick question: How much WATER should I drink?

on 9/12/07 2:19 am - Toulouse, France
Everybody seems to have a different opinion on this and I'm confused. My surgeon/dietitian said on a normal day 1.5L (so that's 51oz give or take), more if it's hot or I'm exercising a lot. That seems really low seeing that most people on OH talk about 70+oz, but honestly it's hard enough drinking 50oz for me... So what should I do?
on 9/12/07 12:59 pm - CA
Generally you want 1 ml of water for each calorie you take in.  If you are eating 1000 calories a day, 1 liter works. In a healthy, normal person the recommendation is usually 30 ml/kg of body weight (now that might be too much!) Drink your 1.5L.  Drink more if it's hot or you're exercising a lot. I think you are doing fine! Danielle Halewijn RD
Robin W.
on 9/13/07 2:44 am - Fort Mill, SC
Hey Danielle!  I also thank you for your input on these issues.  You guys at are so godd at the education part. I have the other end of the water spectrum.  I find that if I don't have at least 100oz of water a day, spread out well over the day, that I get headaches.  I also tend to retain water if I'm not drinking enuf.  Is that just me being weird, or what?
Hi 423, Start 396, Surgery day 356, Current 238, Goal 135

Health and beauty in a whole new way! -
on 9/13/07 4:16 am - Toulouse, France
I can't answer your question, but I have noticed that once I got into the habit of drinking mostly  between 9am and noon, the next day I get really thirsty at that time. So maybe it's a learned behavior?
on 9/15/07 9:26 am - CA
Using your ticker for weight... I would put your water goal between 85-115 oz per day. If you are taking in 100 oz and are comfortable with it - you are right in there. In calculating fluid needs for WLS people, it's sometimes tricky. There are tolerance issues, co-morbid conditions, etc. etc. For most people the more fluid, the better - others do fine on lower amounts. Your 100 oz is 3 liters of water - for some people, that's an impossible goal. Maybe we need to do a post on fluids.  I'll talk to my RD comrades about it. Have a great weekend! Danielle Halewijn RD
on 9/12/07 3:25 pm - Toulouse, France
Thank you Danielle, you're very helpful! I've read a lot of your other responses as well, it's good to have someone like you here, we can use some factual information and not just rumors!
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