Desperately Need Help from a Dietician or anyone who is able to help Please
I am not loosing weight !!
Hello, this is my first time I participate in a forum on the net. Hope I will do it right.
I had my lapband on August 1st 2006 where my weight was 251 lb today Sept 11, 2007 I weight 212 lb. Its one year now I only lost 39 lb and I am not happy at all.
I kept my bad habit in eating Chocolates which was at night time I am having terrible bad moods in my life. I lost my job 5 months ago, and I am sitting at home all the time so I decided to see a nutritionist I stayed with her for nearly 2 months It wasn’t easy for me but I tried to stick to the program she gave me I felt that the diet was not applicable to my lapband.
In my country where I live we don’t have people who are experienced in giving diets or anything to lapband patients. Even the doctor who made the surgery for me he never gave me a list or a booklet of instruction. The only words he said don’t eat chocolate and don’t drink sugary juices, and don’t eat (grape leaves; we make them with rice and minced meat) they are delicious! On July 2007 I went to see another doctor just to make sure my lapband was installed properly, and he took an x ray and said that it is perfect and you don’t need to make it smaller now
As I understood from my Surgeon that the total amount of saline in the band is 8.5cc
Before my surgery I had a research on the net I took all the info about it. But now I still feel that I need a daily or weekly food program to help me eat within the right quantities
I don’t know if there is anyone who can help me find or get a program that fits me so I can loose all this weight I still have I searched the net for a diet made for lapband but with no luck.
I do really need help I have been in depression since April. I am not loosing weight at all and I have high triglyceride , Very low HDL , a bit high LDL and I am a smoker ( I am not going to quit because I did it once for 2 years and I gained 39 lb. I am planning to quit smoking before I reach the ideal weight 143 lb. I wish I can be 143 lb Ahhhh it’s a dream since so many years
I forgot to say that I don’t exercise as most of my time I am sitting at home
Anyone Can Help me ? This forum is the only hope for me to get help
Appreciating your kind help & many thank in advance