WLS and Diabetic Living

on 9/9/07 11:14 pm - Atlanta, GA
HI Everyone! I'm new to the board and I have some questions about what to eat. I'm pre-op and I've  recently been diagnosed Diabetic (type 2).  The exact moment in time that my doctor told me I was diabetic I made the decision to change my life and start making all the things I  had been thinking about start happening.  Since October 1 I have not had a single soda or energy drink....cold turkey from 4-6 20oz bottles of Mtn Dew per day. Itwas tough..but  it's worth it because I feel SOOOO much better without all those chemicals in my body..it's been water water water water to drink.  I went to my diabetes living class  that taught me how to eat like a diabetic and learned alot about portions and balanced meals. I took everything they said to heart and into practice.  This past weekend (Sept 8) I went to the WLS confrence in Atlanta.  It was the most inspiring, loving, supportive and helpful group of people I have ever been around in my life!  I already have a wonderful family who is working on weight loss with me (it's genetic) and a roommate who is my conscience when he thinks mine  isn't working and the most loving and supportive boyfriend in the world.  But then on top of  that I am blessed to have this wonderful group of people with ObesityHelp who have Been there, Done that, and Bought a smaller T-shirt!  For the first time in a very long time  I really feel like I CAN do this.  I CAN and AM changing my life!  The only thing is...now I have to figure out how to combine the Diabetic eating lifestyle (because it's not a Diet, thats a 4 letter word and Diets don't work) with the Bariatric eating lifestyle.  I realize that as I lose the weight the Diabetes will most likely go away...and that is ONE of my many  goals with weight loss....but until then I need to learn to combine the 2.  I'm setting up an  appointment with my Nutritionist to see what help she can give me but I would also love  opinions and advise from someone who has done it.  Thank you guys so much for being here! And I hope to meet many of you as I progress my journey towards my goals and encourage and support you as you do the same! Heather from Sandy Springs
on 9/10/07 1:46 pm
Hi Heather,  Great to hear from you and congrats on following a diabetic meal plan. As you'll find out from your nutritionist, diabetic (DM) eating will conincide well w/ WLS. DM eating encourages complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and PORTION CONTROL!!  Congrats again on making this journey. You're definitely not alone. I'm new to this website and the encouragement and support is amazing. Please feel free to post any questions/concerns any time. I'm interested to hear how your next nutritionist appt. goes! Jeanne Barnett, RD Enutritioncare.com
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