Time Out program?

Deidre V.
on 9/9/07 9:26 pm - Havelock, NC
I've seen a great many posts about the "time out" program....the general idea is full liquids for X amount of time to retrain your pouch...can one of the pros give me some info.....? Is it good, bad, myth, yada...I want to say it consists of protein supplements 3X a day and water...now, this would seem to me at my point(over a year out) it would shock my body into starvation mode, however.....I must admit I'm curious since I have about 15 pounds I'd love to lose to reach my goal....but, I don't want to lose water weight then when I start eating have a gain....My daily intake of cals is about 1100 now with an average of 80-100 grams of protein(many of which are protein powder, there are still many days that food just doesn't appeal to me).  Thanks so much! Dede

308 start weight on 7/18/06
258 50 pounds GONE on 9/26/06
208 next goal 100 gone (done on 3/1)
190 dr goal
150 goal weight
135 current

on 9/11/07 2:36 pm - CA
I haven't read the posts - there are just too many! Other RDs feel free to jump in! My bias - "re-training" your pouch is a nice idea, but it's along the same lines as "shrinking" your stomach when you're on a diet.  The fact is, nothing is 'trained' or 'shrunken' except your brain.  You just get used to eating less. If you want to give things a jump-start, I don't see anything wrong with it.  The first few days will be tough, and then after that, you adjust.  At first you will lose water weight predominately (nature of the beast!), then you can start to lose fat from the calorie defecit.  Couple this with exercise and you may fit into that dress you want to wear! Recognize that making long term changes you can live with is probably a better idea. Danielle Halewijn RD eNutritioncare.com
Deidre V.
on 9/12/07 7:58 am - Havelock, NC
Tyhanks so much! I didn't want to send myself into a 'tailspin' at this point...Dede

308 start weight on 7/18/06
258 50 pounds GONE on 9/26/06
208 next goal 100 gone (done on 3/1)
190 dr goal
150 goal weight
135 current

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