At goal, protein changes??

David S.
on 9/9/07 2:13 am
Hi there, I had RNY in March of this year, and this week I'll be 6 months out.  At 6'4" my goal weight was 205, but I track my body fat % with an electrical impedence monitor, and I'm at 17% body fat.  Needless to say, I'm happy with where I'm at.   Over the past 6 months+ I've been eating a high protein diet.  I was advised it was to help me keep my muscle mass while rapidly losing weight.  Everything I've learned about food before the surgery said that whole grains (oats, wheat, etc) are supposed to be the base of my food pyramid.   Now that I'm at goal, should I be trying to re-organize my food priorities to decrease protein and increase grains?  Should I be increasing the # of times a day I eat to get more healthy grains in? Thanks in advance for responses and help. --Dave
Dave from AZ     
on 9/9/07 2:14 pm - CA
My honest opinion -  You need to see a dietitian to evaluate your current diet, goals, and plan your future.  You have come a long way - and congratulations!  You are entering the next phase, give it the attention it needs! Good Luck! Danielle Halewijn RD
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