Vegetarian/Vegan Help Needed
Okay, I know this can be done somehow but I could use some help. I am currently a vegetarian with vegan aspirations who will be having GBP in October. The RD at my MD's office trys to help but can be a little less than supportive, I believe her words were "What's so bad about cheese?"
, I really want to get started on a the path to where I eventually want to end up (vegan). I am looking for a good non-dairy protein supplement (all seem to contain whey) and a good vegetarian/vegan oriented GBP nutritionist in Maryland near the Baltimore area. I could also use a few protein tips although I have been a vegetarian for 3 years so I have alot of that figured out. Any help would be appreciated!!!

"You will be assimilated, resistance is futile." - the Borg
Starting Weight: 315 lbs
Current Weight: 187 lbs
Goal Weight: 145ish lbs

Starting Weight: 315 lbs
Current Weight: 187 lbs
Goal Weight: 145ish lbs
It is absolutely possible - but a little more challenging if you are not going to include dairy. On a vegan diet, your main source of protein will be soy or soy-based products. Yes, there are grams of protein in beans and grains and vegetables that you will incorporate over time, but immediately post-op you will be on a liquid diet using protein supplements as your main source of protein.
Whey protein (dairy source) is so widely recommended because it has a very good amino acid profile - all of the essential amino acids are present. Whey is widely available and relatively economical.
So I guess the decision is up to you if you want to become vegan pre or post operatively. I live in So Cal so I am not familiar with the stores in your area. Most health food or whole food stores will have protein supplements made from soy - after all, there are a lot of people out there with milk allergies! Look for max grams of protein and shop around for one that you like taste-wise
As far as finding a dietitian in your area. You can look on the ADA website for a dietitian referral or our company,, is an online service staffed by RDs available to anyone in the english-speaking world with a computer. Our ad is at the bottom of this page.
If you have specific protein questions - post them. I'd be happy to help!
Danielle Halewijn RD
Vega is a vegan protein supplement. Check it out here
I noticed the advertisement for it in VegNews (vegan manazine).
Also, tofu and tempeh are good sources of protein. There are vegan veggie burgers and of course there is quinoa.
Hope that helps some.
I noticed the advertisement for it in VegNews (vegan manazine).
Also, tofu and tempeh are good sources of protein. There are vegan veggie burgers and of course there is quinoa.
Hope that helps some.
Looking for a possible revision.
I'm a vegetarian too!!! Almost vegan. I just posted a thread on the same subject then I noticed yours. I did a google search and found MotherSoy Essential protien. It's tastless and contains 16 grams per scoop. I guess you mix it in a shake.
Wow I'm so happy to meet another person like me!
I am also having surgery in October!

Cool, I'll have to check out that website. I know and have some good protein shakes but they can be so expensive. I'm hoping if my doc will write me a "prescription" for protein shakes so I can get my flex plan to cover it. Anyway check out those websites they have some wonderful veg*n products including great protein sources, enjoy.
"Waiting for the BCBS gods to smile upon me and grant me surgery approval.