Can Bar iatric patients be vegetarians?

* Icemama *.
on 6/28/07 2:49 pm - Dallas/Ft Worth, TX

I am new here and I have been playing around with the idea that I did not want to eat meat anymore. I know that we need protein. I have been shopping and see that in some of the pre packaged so called vegetarian foods there is protein and if I go this route along with protein shakes will I get everything I need? I got some soy cheese today and noticed it had 6 grams of protein in it and also my veggie burgers & breakfast meats have protein as well,... Any help would be great! Thanks in Advance Steph

Stephanie "Ice Mama"
RNY 3-22-06 292/158/138... Weight Regained =191lbs size12/14                     

on 7/5/07 5:25 pm - spokane, WA
i am not sure if we can or not- but if you need good protien veggie foods look up your local adventist book store- they have morningstar -loma linda and worthington foods (the best of the veggie world)  for much cheaper than the grocery stores
Janienne Raines
on 7/13/07 1:23 pm - Dallas Metro, TX
Here is a post I made on another forum.  Hope it helps.  I was responding to another person's question so ignore the specifics... Janienne Post Date: 6/28/07 1:58 pm Hi, Well, we have a couple of things in common:  our RNY date is the same - 6/18 and we are both vegetarians... oh, ya - we also do not like eggs.  This will be a hard road for us to get protein but we can do it.  I had my first post-op check last Monday and was only moved to soft food, but I think we should all follow our doctor's plan.  Rather then peanut butter, try Almond Butter.  It can be bought at Costco if you have one close by (Maranatha no salt added), or at any health food store.  Almonds and pecans are better then peanuts.  I have had almond butter as part of the soft diet (licked it off a spoon s-l-o-w-l-y and did not have a problem with it).  Tofu should be ok - try the softer kind vs the firm.  Season it with one of the following: Nutritional Yeast (Red Star - vegetarian formula).  The yeast flakes (Brewers Yeast) are rich in protein and B vit.  Also you can use Braggs Liquid Aminos all purpose seasoning (soy) which is also high in protein and amino acids.  This kinds of tastes like soy sauce but without the sodium.  I use this to flavor veg. broth, tofu, veggies, etc. There are two companies that make vegetarian foods other then what you generally find at the grocery store.  They are Loma Linda and Worthington.  If you have not heard of them you might want to investigate and find a store close to you that sells them.  Their website also has recipes.  My favorite products from Worthingson are: Low Fat Diced Chicken1/4 cup = 9 g protein; Redi Burger 5/8 slice 18 g protein; Protose (a nut based product) has 13 grams protein for a 3/8 slice.  I like both the Redi Burger and Protose heated in a skillet with the Bragg Liquid Aminos.  Also, Fri Chick (low fat) 2 pieces for 12 grams protein.  Several of my favorite Loma Linda products are Swiss Stake, 1 piece for 9 grams protein; and ,Tinder Bits (I don't have protein information available).  I also have a recipe for pecan patties whi*****ludes pecan meal, cottage cheese and eggs (you don't taste the eggs).  I have plenty of recipes if you are interested.  How long have you been a vegetarian?  Good luck with the food transition.   Here is the website for the food list as well as store locator.
Janienne Raines
on 7/13/07 1:25 pm - Dallas Metro, TX
Here is the follow-up post I made to another person's question.  Janienne Post Date: 6/28/07 5:56 pm Probably the best place to find a variety of Loma Linda and Worthing Foods is at an Adventist Book Center and Health Food Store.  Many Seventh-day Adventist are strict vegetarians and their foods and recipes are excellent.  I did an internet search and there is a small store in Hamburg, PA , as well as what appears to be a rather large one in Trenton, NJ.  Here are the addresses: Pennsylvania Adventist Book Center 2359 Mountain Road Hamburg, PA 610-562-5156 800-832-2665 Adventist Book and Food Center (probably your best bet) 2160 Brunswick Avenue Trenton, NJ  08648 609-392-8010 Note:  Adventist stores are closed on Saturday but typically open on Sunday.  You will find the Nutritional Yeast, Braggs Aminos as well as all the items I listed.  I am sure they also have recipe books.  I have been a vegatarian my entire life.... I am a product of the 60's raised in the Bay Area so you can go figure.  My mother cooked vegetarian our entire life.  I have never had meat/fish of any kind. We ate cheese and eggs although I do not like eggs alone (scrambled, boiled, etc.) but ok in a recipe.  Being a veggie is not why I have a weight problem (let's make that past tense) I HAD a weight problem... like many I became an emotional eater and loved carbs.  There is plenty of vegetarian food out there for us if we retrain ourselves.  I will write my mom for her pecan patty receipe and forward to you.  Glad to meet another veggie!
on 7/17/07 2:10 pm - CA
There is no reason why you have to get your protein from meat.  You may have to pay a little extra attention to your sources of protein and be sure you get enough.  I think a vegetarian-bariatric diet is easier if you allow milk products.  Whey protein has an excellent amino acid profile and it's also very well tolerated.  It can easily be added into other foods you are eating.  Non-fat dairy products are also a great choice provided you don't have any issue with the lactose.  Dairy based products also provide a good source of calcium, which is particularly important if you have had a procedure that causes malabsorption (RNY, DS, etc.) I would caution you to read the labels on some of the meat alternatives, such as the products from Loma Linda Foods and Worthington foods.  Some of these products are VERY high in fat, usually when they are made from nut sources.  Read the labels carefully and look for items that are less than 3 grams of fat per 100 calories (that's approximately 30% of calories from fat).  If you are very sensitive to fat, you may want to look for even lower fat items. Good luck! Danielle RD
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