Jen Jen J.
on 4/6/07 5:16 am - Houston, TX

I just had a set of labs drawn, my doc says all is ok.  When I analyze them I have some concerns.  If you are a blood hound and could offer any insite, I would appreciate it.



In case you are unaware I am 6 months preggo and not sure how that affects all of this.



Here are my concerns



1) Protein level is a 5.9,  out of the normal range, according to the reference range it should be 6.3 minimum.  In my past labs it has ranged from 6.5 to 7.5.



2) Albumin level is a 3.4, out of the normal range, according to the reference range it should be 3.8 minimum.  In my past labs it has ranged from 4 - 4.7.



3) WBC is higher than ever before 10.1 and the range is 4.5 -11.  My past labs have been 3.6 - 6.6.



4) RBC is lower than ever before - 3.92 and out of normal range, the range is 4.2 - 5.5.  My past labs have been 4.2  - 5.6



5) Hemoglobin is lower and getting lower with each lab.



6) Hematocrit is 35.5, out of the normal range, according to the reference range it should be 37 minimum.  I know this has to do with the determination of Anemia.  This along with my RBC being low makes me wonder if I am anemic.  The doc says no.  I did find this on the internet Pregnancy usually causes slightly decreased hematocrit values due to extra fluid in the blood.


7) Absolute Neutrophils are high, 8.3 out of the normal range which has a max of 7.8


8) B12 dropped like mad – it is within normal range – 512 but my other labs have seen it at 828 – 1095.


9) Iron Binding capacity is high – 459 and the normal range is 250 -400.


10) Iron saturation is lower even though the binding capacity is higher.  This normal range is 15 -50 and mine is at 25 where as my last two labs saw it at 35 and 34.


I have an appt with my primary and my high risk OB two weeks from Monday.  I would like to discuss this at that time but would like any insight that you may be able to offer me.

God Bless! Jen 
Mark 9:37a
"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me."

on 4/19/07 2:29 am - Plymouth, MI
You might want to post this on the Grad board, There isn't much activity on this one.   I have concerns on my numbers as well, the best answer I can get is that the lab's "normal" range is very conservative.  I hope you can get some answers!
on 7/27/07 3:14 pm - CA
I hope I can make you feel a little better.  First of all, all of the "normal" ranges for labs are for normal people, not pregnant ones.  With pregnancy, you increase the total volume of your blood and other circulating fluids.  There is a dramatic increase in the amount of plasma (the watery part) of your blood, this causes a dilution of the other components - so your counts are going to drop.  Remember that your blood is the big river carrying everything you and your little one need to move in and move out - it changes quite a lot in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy when growth needs for the fetus are higher. Okay, I'll try to go down the list. Total protein and albumin.  Both are very affected by dilution.  You may want to focus on your protein intake, but the majority of the drop comes from your increased blood volume. Your WBC is normal, but higher than you would like and you have a slight increase in neutrophils - I would say your body has been fighting someting off (a little cold or allergies).  The body has a normal down-regulation of the immune system with pregnancy  - your body is technically being invaded, yet nature forces your immune system to ignore the invader (the fetus).  Therefore, you are more likely to catch little colds or have subtle allergies when pregnant that you don't otherwise worry about. Low RBC, Low hemoglobin and hematocrit - you have less blood cells in that sample of blood that they took because you have more fluid, which makes your counts look low.  Pregnancy norms are different than non-pregnant norms.  Hemoglobin refers to the iron containing, oxygen carrying component of the blood.  If your doctor is concerned, he/she may recommend you increase your intake of iron.   The fact that your Iron binding capacity is higher is good - that means that another chemical 2,3 DPG is working well and making your blood cells very likely to bind with oxygen and therefore ensure good oxygenation for all of your & your little ones cells.   Iron sats are lower because again, you have fewer cells in that sample that they took. Despite your concerns, it is still normal. I completely understand your concerns.  My little one is 11 months old and I remember all of the anxieties of pregnancy very well!  Relax.  The baby is getting what it needs - sometimes at the sake of our own bodies - but we can pull ourselves back together after they are born! Good luck!
Jen Jen J.
on 8/18/07 3:28 am - Houston, TX
Hi, Thanks for your reply.  Yes, I have already given birth.  She is 6 weeks old.  She weighed 6#11oz and was 21" long at birth.  She is completely healthy and thriving on breastmilk supplemented by 1 3-4 oz bottle of formula a day. Breastmilk was another concern but my pediatrician is completely happy with her weight gain.

God Bless! Jen 
Mark 9:37a
"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me."

on 7/27/07 3:16 pm - CA
Sorry - I just realized how long ago the original post was.  You have probably already given birth! Best of luck, and I hope the information is beneficial to someone else out there!
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