B12 and Iron problems

on 3/16/07 12:30 am - Abilene, TX
I have rocked along great now for 2 1/2 years,  lost my 100 lbs and am holding where I want to be,  but then I started getting tired and do I mean TIRED.   Turns out I am low on B12 and Iron!  I have started the B12 injections last week and that has really helped.   What I want to know is how others have managed these things.  Do you take weekly injections?  And how about the Iron?  I have started supplements but I worry about the absorption issue.  My doc (family) does not want to to the iron shots.  I have upped my intake of iron rich foods but that causes the same question to come up.  So anyway,  What do you do for these? I have not posted in ages but I still read from time to time and like to keep up with the names I have come to know.  Hope you are all doing well-------- Sharon
on 4/6/07 8:01 pm - Parsippany, NJ
Hi Sharon -  I'm at almost 2 yrs 2 months out - and had been sleeping almost all the time!  My doctor just diagnosed me with iron deficiency anemia, and also told me my B12 is low. I've started taking Foltrin and sublingual B12 again on a daily basis.  I'm attempting to make dietary improvements - but I work nights - and nutrition has really been sacrificed with that schedule change!  I'm scheduled for follow up blood work in another 4 weeks.  Hopefully we'll see an improvement! Good luck! Julie
on 4/9/07 1:21 am - East, AL
I had my surgery on 12-08-06 and my surgeon said that he tells all of his patients that they HAVE to take either a monthly B-12 injection or a weekly sublingual for the rest of our lives!  I take the once weekly sublingual 1000mcg B-12.  You can get a bottle of 60 pills for like $7.00.  I have found that people who had the surgery a few years back were not advised of this and have major defficiencies.  I think the Iron issue is determined per individual.  But my surgeon said that we have to take these 3 things for the rest of our lives...(He has done over 1500 RNY's) 1. Multi vitamin 2. Calcium Citrate 3. B-12 Hope this helps...best of luck
Evelyn K.
on 4/9/07 6:40 am - south plainfield, NJ
Question. What dose of calcium citrate do you take?  I was low, very low on my last lab work. It wasn't a shock to me because I know I was skipping doses here and there, well maybe more than here and there.   I do know that the calcium citrate isn't washed out thru the urine like b-12 and it stays in your system. Therefore it needs to be watched closely.   I'll have to do a google on it. Best of nutrition to you. Evelyn
on 4/10/07 11:52 pm - East, AL
I take one pill, twice a day...my doctor told me not to take more than one pill at a time b/c they don't absrob well.  He said wait at least 1 hour between pills.  You can take up to 4 a day (I think).  But I eat A LOT of cheese and drink at least one 8 oz. glass of milk a day, so I get calcium that way.  Oh...I take Citrical...not sure of the milligrams, but I take 2 per day. Good Luck!
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