on 9/2/07 8:12 am - AR
I have been addicted to caffiene free diet coke and diet sprite for most of my life.  I don't know what I am addicted to in them (no sugar, no caffeine), but I know that I am PHYSICALLY addicted to them.   I went off diet sprite (and caffiene free diet coke) when I started my pre-op liquid diet.  That was 28 days ago.  Since then, I have had RNY (8/20) and am trying to relearn how to eat/drink all over again as we do. The one thing I miss more than anything is diet sprite (caffeine free diet coke).  However, I am going to try my hardest never to drink one again.   Why?  Two major reasons: 1. Even if you let a carbonated beverage "sit out" and "go flat", when you drink it, the heat from your body brings out more of the carbonation, so you didn't get rid of all of the "fizz" by letting it "go flat".  You only got rid of what you could see. 2.  AND THIS IS THE BIG ONE.  When carbonated water gets into your digestive system, it bonds to all the calcium, magnesium and zinc currently in your system.  Since the carbonation is bonded to these vitamins/minerals, you body cannot absorb them - so you just "pee them out".   So much for that calcium supplement you chewed earlier today huh?
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