on 1/23/07 8:28 am - HTFD, CT
on 1/24/07 1:59 am - Athens, AL
I waited one year before trying coke again, and now when I drink it, I pour it into a glass to let some of the carbonation get out of it before I drink it.  It usally tastes flat when I finally drink it, but that is ok to me.
Wendy B.
on 2/9/07 3:35 am - CA
I am still pre-op and have been weaning myself off of caffeine, ie diet coke, gradually to avoid the caffeine withdrawal headache after surgery. 2 things come to mind..... one, I have never met anyone who was Morbidly Obese that DIDN'T drink enourmous amounts of diet coke.  To my way of thinking, there has got to be a link. And second, now that I am down to 44 ounces a day, I am really suprised how much better I feel without all the Diet Coke. I actually SLEPT last night.  Like I woke up and felt rested for the first time in years. I am breathing better, my thinking is clearer, I'm feeling less lazy in general.  Much to my surprise. Besides, everyone keeps telling me that once you get over the initial withdrawal, you really don't miss it or think about it any more.
on 4/18/07 2:29 am

Hi my name is Tracy Hackler  (41) and I am new to this whole WLS thing. I will be attending my first Seminar on 4-27-07.  ( Considering LAP_BAND )But the reason that I wanted to reply to your message is that, I have never in my life drank a "Diet Coke" or much less anything "Diet" in  the way of a beverage.  ( I have really bad reactions to the artificial sweeting they place in "Diet Products") However, I am extremely addicted to "Regular" Pepsi and have been my entire life. My Grandmother worked in a Pepsi-Cola bottling plant in my home town for over 35+ years. So it was always at hand and truthfully I cannot remember ever having gone without ( I could, at one time drink Pepsi or Mt.Dew just about 24/7****il 2 years ago, when I tired to give it up. The HEADACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Were unreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. So after a few days of trying I would always give in.  I am now down to 2- Pepsi's a week. and the headaches are starting to subside. (Let me also say, that I do not with the exception of OJ and/or cranberry juice.on a regular daily basis) Drink anything other than water.  

I will agree that there is a link, but I believe that it is with Soda in general. I do know that my Step- Mom and Uncle were greatly addicted to DIET COKE and suffered allot of leg pain, that seemed to immed. stop once they gave it up.

I am now walking (and have been for a year and a half ) 51/2-miles a day and swimming 2-3 times a week. and only drinking my 2- Pepsi/Mt. Dew a week. and for whatever reason. My BMI  remains @37.8 . I am sure, allot of it has to do with what I eat  and I have really been trying to watch that as well. But I also have several other co-morbidbides (?) that I am sure are contributing factors. 

Please let me know once you have given it up all the way. How it goes and if you really miss it or not. Because that is, I am sure, going to be the hardest part of my journey for me.

Please let me put in my dis-claimer, I am not in anyway accusing Pepsi-Cola or Coke, or any of their products for causing or my obesity. I take full responsibility for my choice to drink their product and my opinions are my own.
Thanks and GOD BLESS

on 5/12/07 1:46 pm
I just saw your post today.  I was a heavy Dr. Pepper drinker.  I cut back like you have and then quit completely the week before surgery.  I went from a minimum of 6 Dr. Peppers a day down to 2 and then none.   After surgery, you can't have carbonated beverages--they cause painful gas and will stretch your pouch.  So I haven't had them since the week before surgery.  And surprise, I haven't missed them either.  I think once or twice I thought about a Dr. Pepper but not craving it. I hope this answers your question. Katy B
on 2/10/07 9:04 am - Watsonville, CA
My understanding it the carbination can stretch the stomach

on 3/26/07 9:45 am
My Dr says one caffeine free diet after 3 months is can't gulp it enough for the carbonation to "stretch" your pouch.   I was a huge diet coke addict and I haven't had one yet.  I did have a diet sprite over ice that I sipped on when I had the flu a week or so ago.   I couldn't drink the whole thing if I wanted to.
Pre Surgery Weight 272
Goal 150
Current Weight 135
on 4/19/07 4:34 am - East, AL
My surgeon told me that any carbination can stretch your pouch and lead to overeating.  He also said that the phosphoric acid in it was horrible on your stomach and he advised not to drink it at all.  I think that seems unrealistic, but I am 4.5 months post-op and have not had any carbination so far.  I know that i will not be able to go my entire life w/o having carbonated drinks ( I love Diet Dr. Pepper and the occasional cold beer) but the doctor warned against it!
donna fossett
on 4/28/07 7:07 am - KY



I am 2 months post op and down 42 pounds. My team of medical professionals have stated from day 1 that  any carbonated beverages will cause the pouch to expand. I crave a cold carbonated beverage at times but I will forgo the opportunity t the cost of expanding the pouch. Hope this helps.


(deactivated member)
on 6/12/07 8:58 am - CO
Hi!  I know it's months later, but I just saw your post. everyone seems to have different opinions, even surgeons! I know that both my nutritionist and my surgeon said that it was okay to drink caffeine free diet sodas. (in moderation) My nutritionist and one of the Registered nurses said that the diet soda stretching your pouch is just an old wives tale! I'm not saying that any other surgeon, nut or doctor is a quack, but I am saying that my medical team hasn't steered me wrong yet, so personally I'm going with what they say! Best of luck! Nancy
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