R U Sorry You had Surgery?

on 11/9/06 11:05 am
I am just wondering if anyone is sorry they had surgery and, if so, why? I am also wondering if anyone has trouble with stomach pain or other health issues now.
Ready4 AChange
on 1/1/07 12:36 am - Upper Chichester, PA
Hi Joy, In the beginning I think everyone has that " what did I do" feeling I did because I was readmitted with an infection but now I don't regret it one bit ! I am down 109/96 pre op pounds . Now I wish I had done it sooner. Sandy
on 2/20/07 1:35 am - Toronto, Canada
Not a day goes by when I don't wish I had done this 20 years sooner.
on 6/28/07 10:21 am - Canada
yes, i wish i didn't have it done. i am sick daily. yes i have lost a large amount of weight, but its still not worth the pain. i am 6 months post op. i had major problems right after the inital surgery and have had 2 other surgeries to try to find whats wrong. no luck .i have been on lots of meds, and tons of tests. i was healthy before the surgery( 29 years old BMI was 38), but now i am the most sickly person.  i vomit everything i eat so i don't go out to dinner or parties where i would have to eat or even drink. some simple liquids don't agree with me. i could go on forever, but all i can say is this a the chance you take getting this surgery. i am the percentage that "things went wrong". 
on 9/3/07 10:29 am - Inland Empire, CA
Oh, heck No! I LOVE my RNY and am grateful everyday I did this. I'm almost 18 months out and did have one complication at 14 mo., (it's in my profile), and none since then, but even with that one, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.....(it's ALL small stuff!)
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