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A in NS
on 12/6/10 11:46 am
Topic: RE: I have made.....
I'm soooo jealous!!  Maybe you have a spare room I could 'move into' for a while??  lol  That is such good news for you - you must be so excited!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/6/10 11:39 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Topic: RE: I have made.....
Its COVERED by Alberta Health because of our weight loss!!!!!...Now the wait...4+ months unless of cancellations!...I can't wait to get rid of this massive bulge!



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

A in NS
on 12/6/10 11:19 am
Topic: Nutritional Deficiency and Its Symptoms
I found this and thought it was very interesting so I thought I would share:

Nutritional Deficiency and Its Symptoms:

Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases
Biotin Uncommon Dermatitis, eye inflammation, hair loss, loss of muscle control, insomnia, muscle weakness
Calcium Average diet contains 40 to 50% of RDA* Brittle nails, cramps, delusions, depression, insomnia, irritability, osteoporosis, palpitations, peridontal disease, rickets, tooth decay
Chromium 90% of diets deficient Anxiety, fatigue, glucose intolerance, adult-onset diabetes
Copper 75% of diets deficient; average diet contains 50% of RDA* Anemia, arterial damage, depression, diarrhea, fatigue, fragile bones, hair loss, hyperthyroidism, weakness
Essential fatty acids Very common Diarrhea, dry skin and hair, hair loss, immune impairment, infertility, poor wound healing, premenstrual syndrome, acne, eczema, gall stones, liver degeneration
Folic acid Average diet contains 60% of RDA*; deficient in 100% of elderly in one study; deficient in 48% of adolescent girls; requirement doubles in pregnancy Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia, shortness of breath, weakness
Iodine Uncommon since the supplementation of salt with iodine Cretinism, fatigue, hypothyroidism, weight gain
Iron Most common mineral deficiency Anemia, brittle nails, confusion, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, inflamed tongue, mouth lesions
Magnesium 75 to 85% of diets deficient: average diet contains 50 to 60% of RDA* Anxiety, confusion, heart attack, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervousness, muscular irritability, restlessness, weakness
Manganese Unknown, may be common in women Atherosclerosis, dizziness, elevated cholesterol, glucose intolerance, hearing loss, loss of muscle control, ringing in ears
Niacin Commonly deficient in elderly Bad breath, canker sores, confusion, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, emotional instability, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, memory impairment, muscle weakness, nausea, skin eruptions and inflammation
Pantothenic acid (B5) Average elderly diet contains 60% of RDA* Abdominal pains, burning feet, depression, eczema, fatigue, hair loss, immune impairment, insomnia, irritability, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, poor coordination
Potassium Commonly deficient in elderly Acne, constipation, depression, edema, excessive water consumption, fatigue, glucose intolerance, high cholesterol levels, insomnia, mental impairment, muscle weakness, nervousness, poor reflexes
Pyridoxine (B6) 71% of male and 90% of female diets deficient Acne, anemia, arthritis, eye inflammation, depression, dizziness, facial oiliness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of hair, mouth lesions, nausea
Riboflavin Deficient in 30% of elderly Britons Blurred vision, cataracts, depression, dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, inflamed eyes, mouth lesions, nervousness, neurological symptoms (numbness, loss of sensation, "electric shock" sensations), seizures. sensitivity to light, sleepiness, weakness
Selenium Average diet contains 50% of RDA Growth impairment, high cholesterol levels, increased incidence of cancer, pancreatic insufficiency (inability to secrete adequate amounts of digestive enzymes), immune impairment, liver impairment, male sterility
Thiamin Commonly deficient in elderly Confusion, constipation, digestive problems, irritability, loss of appetite, memory loss, nervousness, numbness of hands and feet, pain sensitivity, poor coordination, weakness
Vitamin A 20% of diets deficient Acne, dry hair, fatigue, growth impairment, insomnia, hyperkeratosis (thickening and roughness of skin), immune impairment, night blindness, weight loss
Vitamin B-12 Serum levels low in 25% of hospital patients Anemia, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, intestinal disturbances, headaches, irritability, loss of vibration sensation, low stomach acid, mental disturbances, moodiness, mouth lesions, numbness, spinal cord degeneration
Vitamin C 20 to 50% of diets deficient Bleeding gums, depression, easy bruising, impaired wound healing, irritability, joint pains, loose teeth, malaise, tiredness.
Vitamin D 62% of elderly women's diets deficient Burning sensation in mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, myopia, nervousness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, scalp sweating
Vitamin E 23% of male and 15% of female diets deficient Gait disturbances, poor reflexes, loss of position sense, loss of vibration sense, shortened red blood cell life
Vitamin K Deficiency in pregnant women and newborns common Bleeding disorders
Zinc 68% of diets deficient Acne, amnesia, apathy, brittle nails, delayed sexual maturity, depression, diarrhea, eczema, fatigue, growth impairment, hair loss, high cholesterol levels, immune impairment, impotence, irritability, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of sense of taste, low stomach acid, male infertility, memory impairment, night blindness, paranoia, white spots on nails, wound healing impairment

Here is a link to the original site:
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/6/10 10:56 am
Topic: RE: I am so upset right now....

My fingers & toes are still crossed!!!   :)

 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/6/10 10:54 am
Topic: RE: Did you hear me shout?? ONDERLAND BABY!!!
Yeah, I had to jog part of the way to keep me from FREEZING!!  lol 
I do 'interval walking' where you walk normally for a telephone pole length and then jog the next one - I am up to jogging 2 or 3 at a time now - slowly but surely I will be able to run farther & farther!!  :)) 

I also went to physio today for the first time (apparently I have arthritis in my back - I'm too young for that, thank you very much!!) anyway, she tells me I need to be careful with the yoga because I'm already TOO FLEXIBLE - how the heck does that happen???  lol  She said that once I bend so far that bone is almost hitting bone & causing inflamation...  Wow!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/6/10 10:48 am
Topic: RE: Does anyone do Roux-n-Y gastric bypass in Halifax?
I don't have any suggestions for doctors, but I do know there is a support group in Halifax that your son may benefit from - there is so much to learn about how & what to eat after weight loss surgery that having others who have also have surgery to help you gives you a huge advantage...  The Next Self-Help Meeting will be at Sackville Sobeys on Monday December 13th 7-9pm.   Hope this helps, Angie
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/6/10 10:14 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Did you hear me shout?? ONDERLAND BABY!!!
Well aren't you a real go-getter!  Nothing is stopping you girl!!!   Way to go on the 5k, especially in that windy wild weather today. 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/6/10 9:05 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: RE: I am so upset right now....

no I have not heard anything. I think he is waiting for the results form my two test I am doing now. I will be done on Wed. And my Doc. will have the results that day or the next. He will then get in touch with dr. Ellsemere. If all is ok than I should be ready to go again. I guess it won't be til Jan. now. I may give Diana a call tomorrow to see about it all. I hope that everything comes back clear, which it should. Then there should be no reason not to go ahead.  

A in NS
on 12/6/10 5:32 am
Topic: RE: I am so upset right now....
Hey Gilda, Just wondering if you heard anything from Dr. Ellsmere or Diana yet?
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/6/10 5:29 am
Topic: RE: Did you hear me shout?? ONDERLAND BABY!!!
Just my luck - I got to the gym and yoga was canceled due to power outage - as a matter of fact, the whole gym was closed!  I made it back after they opened but only had time for weights, so I did a 5k walk on the way home. 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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