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on 12/9/10 8:59 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: more problems for me
Oh, dear.
I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a miserable time of it lately. I agree with Angie, though ... at least they have figured it out and it is fixable. I have been and will continue to send good thoughts out into the universe for you.

Just think ... once they figure out and execute the plan of action, you will feel so darned good - you won't know what hit you! Keep your eyes on the prize.

Take good care.
A in NS
on 12/9/10 7:29 am
Topic: RE: more problems for me
Well, the news isn't good, but at least they found the problem so now they can fix it!  I wonder if Dr. Ellsmere could remove it and give you the VSG at the same time?  I know they can do it with gall bladders, etc. but I don't know anything about the spleen.  Our thoughts & prayers are with you!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/9/10 5:50 am - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: more problems for me
well I found out today the result of my cat scan shows my spleen is inlarged and the doc thinks that is where all my lost blood is going. I guess the spleen is eating them.
My dr. is going to phone dr. ellsemere tomorrow and see what they should do I guess. The only doc. that does the liver and spleen stuff is out of town until sometime in jan. so I might have to go to Halifax to have anything done. and God knows how long that will take. I am at a loss here wondering what else is going to happen to me. I need some prayers that something can be done soon and that it is not cancerous. thanks
on 12/8/10 9:24 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: What Vitamins do you take?
My bloodwork is done usually once per year---my "surgery" is usually forgotten about with the doctor after all these years.  So I have to remind her.  I have a sheet to get bloodwork done maybe today. 

My last tests came back all clear last winter.  The only issues I've ever had was platlettes low a couple years back, but that's because I overused aspirin for cluster headaches when my doctor tried to switch me off of Tylenol  (had some weird big bruises one time).  Now I use Ibuprophen and I'm "good"!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/8/10 9:08 pm, edited 12/9/10 11:57 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Me too!! it's dropping again and back to what I was on Tuesday.

I've been in the range of 800 all week but no cardio cause I've been too busy with work, etc.  Today I will "TRY" to go higher (1000), doubt I'll have time for cardio again, but I'll be on the road all day and then drop lower tomorrow 800 with a major workout.  This time of year is so busy, I can't wait to get back to my home routine!!!

...I'll let you know how it goes.  Good luck! 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/8/10 8:51 pm - Lockhartville, Canada
Topic: RE: What Vitamins do you take?
Jaimeson ... chocolate Vit D. I got it at the Super Store ... in the vitamin section.

A in NS
on 12/8/10 8:50 pm
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
198.4 this morning... 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/8/10 12:48 pm, edited 12/8/10 12:49 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Yeah, I use the same tickers on  I love to watch the results, I even use graphs for measurements and when I look back, hard to believe my waist was 6inches bigger just 3mths ago.  It's great when we don't notice our progress right away. 

Oh yeah, TOM steps heavy on the scale for me every month too!  (Except I'm starting with perimenopause, so I have TOM visit way too often lately!!).  LOL

I think it's good to weigh everyday.  Honestly, some say not to, but it really keeps you in check!

I'd say 15 cups of water will definitely show up on the scale tomorrow.  Don't freak out, just reflect and watch what happens for the next couple days with the new gym routine.  ....You will continue to lose, no doubt about it!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 12/8/10 11:56 am
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Hmmm, I get in my 8 cups/day for sure and some days I get in a LOT more - today 15 cups  :)  I HAVE to weigh every day - it's an addiction now    OK I was up again today (in calories), so I will try going down tomorrow - I had a HUNGRY HUNGRY day today so I was thankful for the extra calories!!!  My tom is around the corner so I'm thinking that's why (HOPING!!)   I use a line graph too - if you use the tickers (like in my signature at the bottom of my post) and you put in your weight daily/weekly or whatever it will show you a chart of your loss automatically - You don't have to include it in your signature but I love watching it go down!!  :)    I will keep you posted!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/8/10 11:42 am
Topic: RE: What Vitamins do you take?
"Back in my day"  lol

Do you have your bloodwork done often to keep track of all of this stuff?  Just curious  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
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