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A in NS
on 12/12/10 8:12 am
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
How about we kick fat's butt together!!!  lmao  (or is that my fat butt - or the fat off my butt!!!)

Save your old clothes that are too big for you - I still have all of this loose skin hanging around & it's not looking like I will get rid of it - 160 lbs lost is absolutely awesome but man it leaves skin you didn't even know you had!!    Oh well, it's a problem I'll take over the 160lbs back any day!!!  :))  but save me those jeans!!!  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/12/10 8:03 am - Canada
Topic: RE: So happy I found this group!
Thanks So much Angie Can't wait to see your before and after pics!
on 12/12/10 8:00 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Well Angie, the Odds are stacked against me, but I'm proving that when we use our tool properly, we can and will lose weight--it still works!!! 

I think it's cool that we're at the same phase, but in now way competing, so feel free to pass by me with flying numbers!!! 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 12/12/10 7:53 am
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
OMG you're doing so GREAT!!!   It really gives me hope that you can get weight off this fast so far past your surgery - I was so worried that if I didn't lose all I had to within the first year (and most of that in the first 6 months) that I wouldn't be able to!!  You're like a Christmas miracle!!!  lmao

10 lbs in 10 weeks - I'm with ya!! 
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 12/12/10 7:43 am
Topic: RE: So happy I found this group!
Welcome to the group, Ruthann!   This is a great place for info & questions.  Good luck with your referral - I hope you don't have to wait for too long to get surgery.  In the meantime, here is the link to the Capital Health site with the WLS information in case you don't already have it - I believe there is a also a form there for your doctor to make a referral with  :))¢er Content.Id.0=61088&category.Categories.1=112

There are also a couple of support groups in NS right now that you are more than welcome to attend - one is in Truro and one is in Halifax.


 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 12/12/10 7:32 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Photo sharin :P
You look wonderful! thanks for sharing It's great incentive!
on 12/12/10 7:20 am - Canada
Topic: So happy I found this group!
Hello everyone ! I'm new and have been researching WLS This is a wonderful group and I look forward to reading your posts. I'm seeing my Dr. soon about a referral so I have a long journey ahead but you all give me hope that I can be a "normal" person! Thanks again!
on 12/12/10 5:36 am, edited 12/13/10 1:35 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Okay, I listened to what you said about dropping a pound.....197.8 Baby!!!!!!  Whoohoo!

I haven't eaten for quite a while and figured I should weigh since I missed this morning and before I have supper (I couldn't stand it not knowing--I'm so addicted to the scale)!!  Glad that I did!!!!!!

Yay us!!!

I'm on a mini-challenge 10 weeks, lose 10lbs by Christmas Day.  I only have 2lbs left to go...and 2 Saturdays left to make it!  I met the last mini challenge of 10wks/10lb challenge for Halloween and started it late with only 8 wks to make it. 

K, gonna go do the Happy dance!!!!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/12/10 2:40 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Topic: RE: Plateau Buster: Cycle your calories & fitness program...
Well that's great girl!!  Keep that scale moving-- What a fantastic day!!!!!!!!.

I missed my weigh in this morning, I had a friend over first thing for tea, and won't do the scale after I have something in my stomach....false reading!  LMAO  I'm planning to work on a 2lb loss the next week!!!  LMAO

Are you having mental hunger?  I don't want to give the bad advice here, cause you're new and have a different procedure, but myself, I will just try to have some oatmeal, fruit, protein drink or drink a cup of tea when I have mental hunger.  I know if I let myself graze, I will eventually get back into old habits.  But in the same breath, I do eat a wide variety of meals just in small amounts and only at meal time.  If I really need a treat, I'll have it and then get over it, so I don't build up a craving and go binge!  

If the walk was just too long for you, why not shorten the trip and boost up your endurance?  You said you do a short jog so now work on how long you can jog/run.  When I do my walks, I always do the same distance and work on my time.  Same on the treadmill.  I usually walk the golf course all spring-fall, and those hills are quite a challenge, I went from panting and stopping to sit on benches to doing 1/2 of the 18 hole course (it's divided on two sides of the road) 9-hole course in 45 minutes non-stop.  Down 15 minutes in my time. 

Also when I bike outside, I went from walking the bike up all hills to now sitting and peddling up them all.  My next challenge in the spring is to switch into my lower gears (I practice at home on my recumbant bike).  Keep making the trip tougher instead of just longer.

Hard to say if cal cycle helped, I don't really know how much you changed your diet those days, but you will have to eventually get used to a little higher cal intake, you can't live on 800/day forever.  Listen to your doctor, and follow his guideline for dietary rules.

All I can say is you will need to up your workouts at the time you start to up your cals eventually.  That's the part that anyone, no matter of surgery or just fad dieting fails.  When the "diet" is over and we don't burn harder in cardio, we're no longer in a deficit but get into a surplus and begin to gain again.  It's just that simple!!!

What is your exercise program like?  What do you do each week (gym, outside, etc)??

I'll let you know what my numbers are tomorrow! 

I did notice something lately, don't know if I said it already.  I worked out hard since Sept with the gym and lost really good in pounds, but not much in size until the past 2 my clothes are falling off me.   I don't know if it's just because I'm at a good number 37lbs, or if my body finally caught up to the weight from building muscle.  Whatever it is, the fat is disappearing!!!!  I think because I've built so much muscle, I'm heavier than I should be. (probably if I didn't lift weights I might be at 10 +lbs lower on the scale).  But the muscle is what's doing the work burning off the fat so I'll settle for a little higher scale number, cause I'm wearing a size 14 (34 pants) and love it!!!!

Well here's to a new week!!!  Let's rock it!!!

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 12/11/10 11:15 pm - Sydney Mines, Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery On Tues

It will be great u just wait and see. I should be hearing soon on what they r going to do with me about my spleen but hopefully Santa will bring some good news for me.

I will give you a call when I know you r up to it. Take care of yourself.

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