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on 1/8/11 4:29 am - Canada
Topic: Binder
Happy New Year to all!!

I'm just starting to get my binder together and am learning about the procedure and what is expected of us patients.I was referred on Dec 14 and have a long wait. I have an appointment with my doctor next week. When he made the referral in December,should he be getting a response on the wait time?
on 1/8/11 4:00 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: Obesity Cruise
Love the idea of a local gathering!  Harbour Cruise sounds like a good choice! 

I had my eye surgery at Lasik (Hollis St).  Don't get me wrong, i was scared witless, but it really was fine!  20/20 vision by the next morning - pretty amazing!  My son is 13, with very bad vision - i look forward to him getting it some day, and having many more years to enjoy seeing than i had!!  Have you already gone for your free consult to get your price/qualification?
A in NS
on 1/7/11 11:10 am
Topic: RE: Getting back on track Post Holidays
It's so true about the walking - if I don't get out (which I didn't today - my 3 year old is sick) I usually don't lose...  

Hang in there - they should be calling soon!!  It's a long wait & sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel - but hey, you have already started - 36 lbs is awesome!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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A in NS
on 1/7/11 10:06 am
Topic: RE: Obesity Cruise

Where did you have it done?  I'm going to Lasik MD.  I've heard pretty much all good things about it, but then I start thinking that I can see now, and if something goes wrong maybe I won't be able to - I know it's just nerves & I will get over it  :)

I will let Deb answer the questions about the retreat & cruises since I have no idea.

Hey it would be fun to have some sort of gathering locally this summer though - a dance, a bbq, a cruise around Halifax harbour even - any ideas guys?


 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 1/7/11 9:16 am
Topic: RE: Getting back on track Post Holidays
I have had a pretty good week.  My birthday was Wednesday and I went out to lunch with a friend and had Scallop pesto fettucine which was delicious but not so good for me!!

Since August when I attended the group session, I had lost around 36 lbs up to Christmas.  Over the holidays I gained around 5 lbs back but this week I have lost 1 or 2 lbs.  I try hard to only get weighed on Sundays, as opposed to daily which can drive me crazy!!! so I will know better on Sunday.  I do NEED to get back to walking though, I think that for me that is a huge key. 

I am very glad that you are back on track and I too hope that you stay there until next Christmas!!!  I cannot wait to hear from someone about some kind of appointment but as "they" say patience is a virtue
Keep up the good work!

on 1/7/11 8:23 am, edited 1/7/11 8:25 am - Halifax, Canada
Topic: RE: Obesity Cruise
sorry to hijack!! i had lasik 3 years ago, and it is wonderful! Don't be is fast, and not painful (seconds of discomfort only!).

The cruise does sound great, as does the annual retreat! Is the retreat advertised on here when it is coming up?

A in NS
on 1/7/11 2:41 am
Topic: RE: Obesity Cruise
I'm so jealous!!!  I've never been on a cruise but it sounds like such fun!  However, I am being really spoiled & getting Lasik so by the time that's paid for there will be no $$ left for cruising!  I have worn glasses every day for over 30 years (since grade 6) & I've wanted Lasik for a really, really, REALLY long time!  YAY  The funny thing is I'm more nervous about having this done than I was about the WLS - strange!

Reading about your previous experience on the cruise is the reason I would never go on one before - I felt so conspicuous everywhere I went - at 360 lbs & 5'3" I was ALWAYS the biggest person, so I feel your pain about the pic thing - excruciating!!

I'm looking forward to taking my son to some amusement parks this year - he will be 4 this summer - and I will be able to go on the rides with him!!! YAY YAY YAY US!!!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:

on 1/7/11 2:25 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Obesity Cruise

I am going on this cruise! I think its going to be fantastic!

I am meeting up with my 3 pals I met at a WLS Retreat in North Carolina over 2 years ago - also a couple of gals I know from the Ontario OH board are coming.

So we are skipping retreat this year and doing this Cruise to rejuvenate.

I can not wait I have not been on a cruise in a very very long time and the last time I went my husband and I travelled with 10 other couples - I was the largest gal and the whole cruise I felt out of place with how my "wardrobe" was not as pretty or as fun as the other slimmer gals and how much fun they had dressing up each night for dinner- I dreaded each evening trying to cram into an outfit!

The last night we had a group photo taken as it was the Captains Dinner and the photographer placed me in the front of the line going up the stairs as I was the shortest but being so big it was horrible I had no place to hide( not that I could hide at the size) but at least stand behind the railing running up the staircase- no one noticed I was almost in tears as I was so uncomfortable with the photo. UGH

I never wanted to be in any pictures- let alone a group shot like that and be so vulnerable being on the bottom step and all there - I get a lump in my throat just thinking of it .

I am relieved this time to be going and wearing regular sized clothing- if I was still 300lbs I would not be going on this trip for fear of all the places where my size would be an issue - life sure has changed!

Happy New Year

        STARTING 2010 WITH A BANG! 160 LBS LOST!

    WLS JOURNEY: HW-292/SW-273/CW-132-GOAL 125LBS
        WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK IT - ME - 132 LBS ! omg
                 - Happy to be Brenda B's angel !

A in NS
on 1/7/11 1:17 am
Topic: RE: Getting back on track Post Holidays
How's it going?  I'm pretty much back on track now & hoping to stay there!  At least 'till next Christmas when we'll all be back on here complaining about getting off track again!!  lol

Thanks for the nice comments in the friend request - I appreciate it!!  :))
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
A in NS
on 1/7/11 12:59 am
Topic: RE: Here are some protein shake recipes & new ideas!
So far I've tried the Orange Julius one & it's pretty good, but the butterscotch pecan one is YUMMY!!  I think I will try freezing some for popsicles  :)
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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