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on 7/15/14 6:23 am - Kingston, NS, Canada
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

Congrats, and good luck on the remainder of your journey.  I went to Dr Kelly almost 3 years ago and have been in maintanence at my goal of 185lbs for about a year (130lbs Lost). I have ran 2 x 5K runs and done a Mud Hero.



on 7/1/14 11:29 pm
Topic: RE: Starting pre-op diet tomorrow! Heading to Tijuana, Mexico in 2 weeks!

Thank you, Lena! Only one week to go now! Wow! It is getting very exciting and also nerve wracking. My pre-op diet has been going well. I constantly have to remind myself not to eat this or that but I have stayed on track and actually lost 8lbs already :) What protein drinks do you prefer? I'm still testing them out.

on 6/29/14 10:04 pm - RIVERVIEW, Canada
VSG on 08/19/14 with
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

would love to hear your experience.  I am in NB but want to go to Mexico.  Checking out doctors and prices as well right now

on 6/25/14 10:43 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Starting pre-op diet tomorrow! Heading to Tijuana, Mexico in 2 weeks!

Good luck! I didn't have surgery in Mexico so I can't really give much advice, but I can tell you I wasn't the least bit interested in food for the first while--took a lot just to get liquids in.  I've heard a lot of people say they can't stomach water, only sweetened things like G2.  For me it was the opposite, couldn't have anything with flavour--especially artificial sweeteners--for awhile without nausea.  My best advice would be chicken broth, maybe a clear protein powder, maybe Boost--whatever your surgeon recommends for your post-op diet; for clothes, keep it loose and easy to get on and off.  You won't want to be reaching over your head or bending down for awhile! 

on 6/24/14 3:09 am
Topic: Starting pre-op diet tomorrow! Heading to Tijuana, Mexico in 2 weeks!

It's hard to believe that two weeks from now I will be on my way to Tijuana, Mexico alone to have weight loss surgery. I am very excited and a little scared. Those of you who have gone through it, how was your flight back? What sort of things did you pack? Clothing wise and 'food' wise?? Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!

on 6/9/14 1:36 am - Sydney, Canada
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

Hey :) if you go on facebook , type in Drramoskelly you can check him and his team out. I wouldn't worry too much about the skin. I had my surgery a month and a half ago and am down 40 lbs but am only losing about a pound to 2 pounds per week now. I had a lot of hunger but it was all in my head because you never feel true hunger after surgery. I found week 4 and 5 the hardest because you get pretty tired of liquids. I did like the Instant Breakfast protein drinks the best and they are not that expensive. I don't think his business has a name as I got in touch with him via another person that had their surgery with him. If you would like to give me your e-mail I can pass it on to Fabiola ( his patient co-ordinator) and she will answer all of your questions. I know that he has told me that some doctors do as many surgeries per day as they can, but he only does 3 or 4 max because he is not doing it for the money. You have to do your research...I went on many sites and kept seeing happy people that used him, so I researched him and found nothing negative at all. He is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Surgeons which is great. If you would like to e-mail me , my e-mail is [email protected] and I can connect you directly to Fabiola. She is a doll and speaks excellent English :D

on 6/8/14 11:06 pm - Digby, Canada
on 6/8/14 11:02 pm - Digby, Canada
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

Can you tell me what clinic it was?

im looking now at one with Canadian doctors

Also, how are you doing now?

i am concerned about hanging skin since the weight comes off so quickly

im a little excited but more nervous

concerned about coming home and having issues.   But I know this could change my life health wise 

on 6/8/14 9:01 pm - Sydney, Canada
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

Hi :) Dian ? well let me tell you...I was scared to death and now looking back I feel stupid for being scared. The whole experience was fantastic ! Seriously ! They pick you up at the airport and take you across the border which takes all of 10 mins. You are in the medical lane which is not declaring anything. Dr. Kelly's wife Cecy picked me up and she is a doll. His entire staff treated me like they knew me forever. Very comfortable :) I was taken directly to the hospital ( I had the choice of 2 hospitals , one was $1500 more , so I picked the cheaper one) it was a bit run down but they have everything you need there. If I could do it again , I would have picked the more expensive one only because it's like a luxury hotel...this is where I went for my final leak test. The nurses there are extremely attentive. I think I had 2 or 3 nurses just for me. It's not like here :/ Your room gets cleaned twice per day. They don't speak a lot of English but we managed with no problems. After 2 days in hospital I was sent to this amazing hotel...rooms are very nice :D The staff treats you like gold. It was more like a mini vacation than surgery. There were many patients from other doctors there that were stunned at how well I was doing compared to them. They were sent directly to the hotel after be careful picking a surgeon. I did tons of research and finally decided on Dr. Kelly...this was the best decision I could have ever made ! He is fantastic and very caring, he even came to visit me at the hotel and brought his wife and son. He was the only surgeon that I saw at the hotel. Other patients noticed this as well. I went walking around Tijuana by myself the day I went to hotel and bought some silver jewelry and a nice leather purse. I had a ball. I can honestly say that the pain is similar to doing too many sit ups. The first day and a half were a bit uncomfortable but after that I was ready to go shopping. I did go alone but kind of wished I had taken someone with me just for the company. Anyway, please feel free to ask me anything at all. I had such a great experience that I love to tell anyone who will

Take care & talk to you soon :D


on 6/8/14 3:40 pm - Digby, Canada
Topic: RE: I week post op. from VSG in Mexico with Dr. Ramos Kelly

Hi.  I am looking into going to  Mexico for the gastric sleeve.  I'm in NS as well

love to hear your story

i am nervous about going out of Canada for any surgery.  

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