still on waiting list getting fustrated almost 3 yrs now

Dominic E.
on 2/11/12 3:49 am, edited 2/11/12 4:36 am - Eastern Passage, Canada
Just running out of patients in NS, Still on waiting list since 2010 referral still valid as last week based on my email to and phone call from the Obesity Network in Capital health over 400 + lbs mark, now added Sleep Apnea to list of aliments.  I have not been on here in a while I'm just so tired of waiting and calling the  Obesity Network in Capital health just seems to be a waste of time, I contact them every 4 to 6 months for updates with no avail when they do call you back , they tell me to have my Dr update/amend my referral, kind of hard since the Dr left the country, and the medical clinic still has not found a full time replacement, they have a fill-in Dr twice a week, Running out of options and cannot afford to pay to do the surgery myself out of the country.
on 2/11/12 9:43 pm
Couldn't afford to have the surgery out of country myself, but did get a loan for it and went for it. You can sit and wait, you can do what NSblue did as well and worked on the requirements for the Dr here in Halifax. There isn't anything else you can do, I researched the VSG then talked to my dr about it that did the referral then I later found out it was 5-7 yr wait, then it jumped to 10 plus years so I said I gotta do this, things will be tight for a bit but I will feel so much better in another year. My payments are roughly 160 a month, which helps me stay on plan knowing that I have to pay this back and I hate wasting money that I work hard for.

My Dr has left too and finally meeting with the new doctor that is taking over his clients. There are clinics that are taking on new patients, you can look into this as well.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 2/15/12 9:51 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
The WLP of the obesity Network is working hard to try n push the referrals through. With the limited money given by the government and the time that is allotted for them to handle the large amount of referrals that flood in is astounding. I know being on the waiting end of things this doesnt really help much knowing this...for it's frustrating.

Researching the VSG and the WLP and starting to work on you is the best thing you can do in waiting....never give up. There is ALOT of work to work on oneself to prepare for this surgery. Many put the VSG or WLS as the saviour and cure all but it is only the tip of the iceberg that gets you to your goal. There is alot of behavioural modification and lifestyle changes one must input into their lives...learning as much as you can will help immensely once you have surgery and that is a very good thing. I had seen Dr ellsmere feb 25th 2011 i weighed 430 lbs...i had lost weight before seeing him for i was 600lbs. i still had to lose 30 to be considered for wls since my BMI was 61. i studied their program and put things into action asap. from feb to dec i lost 200 pounds following their program i had the vsg on dec 6th and i have to say all i learned helped immensely. and i know will keep me here. i am going for my hernia repair next month. I feel wonderful have loads of energy and loving life. WE are the only ones who can make this happen...take the bull by the horns n dig in...u will never ever regret it.



on 2/16/12 11:41 pm
NSBlue you have such a good way with words, I like how you put the iceberg in there because what we put in our mouths means a lot. you definitely showed you were ready for this surgery and I believe Dr Ellsmere is looking at this with his clients that he selects for the surgery.

Maybe you can help this gentleman with the program that Dr Ellsmere wants you to follow to see how serious you are about the surgery.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 3/4/12 5:25 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Jackie having reasearched and having done alot of the work pre surgery and now having the sleeve...i wouldnt have wanted it any different.... yeas at first i was upset over the wait etc but looking back now..i am gla for it. IMO Too much value is placed on this surgery. people claim it to be the saviour of their lives...but in my opinion...YOU are the one that is the defining factor that makes everything works. people give themself too little credit... the VSG is just a tool...and like a carpenter with  his tool...if they do not have the training long before and have hands on experience...their houses they build would be shotty.  the tool doesnt make the carpenter...what the carpenter does with the tool makes him...and this is no different than the VSG.

Jackie if this gentleman would like any help from me i would gladly be there for him.... i am here for anyone.  I must say though, as the WLP states when first going in...they are there for you....BUT it is UP TO YOU on WHAT YOU DO TO HELP YOURSELF.  the ball is always in our court... n when we want in the's there ...and the game is on...n many players to help you through.... but you have to get in the game and want to play..



on 3/10/12 11:51 am - Canada
Hi. I am new here. Got a call last week that I can go to an information session about surgery. I feel like I have won the lottery...and I am scared..I have tried the facebook links but have not been able to find people in HRM (Halifax NS) who have had the proceedure here. Is there anyone who can give me any idea of what to expect ?
on 3/11/12 3:40 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Hi Pickles,
The info session the end of this month is where the Weight loss team will introduce themselves as well as what to expect and do in the program. You will hear from the nurse practicioner, dietician, psychologist, physio therapist, Dr ellsmere and a former patient or two. You will fill out a short info paper for them of some questions etc you will be weighed. and get all info needed to take you through what you need to know and do.

If you pm me your name i can add you to a group of people that are in the WLP facebook group ...they have either have gone through it or going through it... it is a private group hence why you cant find it in the search.



on 3/11/12 4:21 am - Canada
Hi nsblue,

Thanks for the reply ! How do you pm someone ? A computer genius I am not !
on 3/11/12 6:15 am, edited 3/10/12 5:19 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
click on the persons name you want to pm and in thier profile it says send message... click it...type n send ;)
and if you have trouble with that...just find me in facebook n request to be my friend then i can add you :)



on 4/12/12 9:55 pm - Yarmouth Co. , Canada
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