on 5/26/11 10:06 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

Tis great you finally got your date Chris.... all the best as your journey with WLS progresses.

Will look forward to meeting you on the 15th ;)



on 5/26/11 11:13 am - Riverview, Canada
 Hey there, I didn't know you were going to be there.  That's awesome.  Yeah will be nice to be there and see a few of us bloggers.  I just starting working on my first youtube video today.  I'm going to start a VLOG as to my progression through this.  There aren't a lot of guys my age who have similar posts so should be cool.  

Until the 15th...

on 5/27/11 1:17 am - Brookfield. NS, Canada

that sound cool chris, i am using pics etc and am putting them into my binder. Videos would be cool to look back on too.

have you got your binder all set to go. it's never ending on adding things daily.



on 5/27/11 4:19 am - Riverview, Canada
 Yeah it's a fun project!  I'll be doing a live vlog tomorrow too.  Yeah I pretty much have my binder complete, minus the quiz I'll be filling in this weekend.  I have excel spreadhseets and the whole nine yards as to what leads me to today.   :)    
on 5/29/11 11:13 am, edited 5/29/11 11:14 am
Sounds like you are doing everything right

And the next step of the journey begins.

Very exciting! Best of luck
on 5/29/11 11:19 am - Riverview, Canada
 Thanks, yeah it's a lot of work to get organized and I am 100% committed to it all.  

Thanks so much for your support, it means more than you know!

Chris :)
on 5/29/11 11:56 am
I was at the group session held last August. I didn't hear anything at all until March, when I heard that my "private consult" was on May 10th. From there, I have been referred for surgery and my appointment with Dr. Ellesmere is this Thursday. I'm looking forward to knowing an actual surgery date, which I'm hoping to find out on Thursday. I am very excited, but nervous too.
Once you get the private consult things seem to move really quick, but until then it seems like forever!
At least you know that you will be at the group session on June 15 and that is a BIG first step!
on 5/29/11 12:04 pm - Riverview, Canada
 Hey Susan, 

OMG you must be getting so excited though!  After this long wait, you will finally begin a new life.  I am sure everything is going to be great!  And of course I wish nothing but the best for you!  Please make sure to tell us how this Thursday went okay? 

Thanks so much, 


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