Questions to you pros

on 5/3/11 9:51 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
Last two weeks I have been on my trial stage 3 diet and I have been learning lots, but many questions have come to mind as to what this will be like when I have my sleeve. So I thought I'd ask you pros who have been there/ are there and know what it's like.

How many ounces of liquid protein were you able to drink in one sitting starting off before getting filled? was it a thick rich protein drink or fair? did you find the higher the protein content the faster it filled you? Is this why I have heard some say they can't get their water in, is because the next time they are suppose to drink water they have to finish their protein drink form before?
How soon were you able to consume what you did on the trail liquid diet...I guess what I am trying to say is what I am consuming now fills me and is suffice and meets my daily requirements, was just wondering how this will change in the first bit so it can prepare me to make adjustments to fit things in.

Also, they say it's better to take your multivitamin with your do you take it half way through your protein drink or 3/4 way or at the end? beginning? or when. I feel at times this can fill too so just was wondering when everyone else fits their in.



on 5/3/11 10:55 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Good questions!  I'll step aside and watch for answers. 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 5/11/11 9:06 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
you will soon be able to shed light on the answers Coreena...will look forward to hearing them....will be waiting to hear from you when you get out ;)



A in NS
on 5/4/11 2:31 am

For the first few days after being sleeved you can't drink a lot of protein shake at once (I felt nauseous if I drank too much at once)... I had a hard time getting all of my liquids and protein in for the first week or so because you can only drink so much at once and so it feels like you are spending your whole day drinking (which, really, you are!)  You shouldn't have a big problem getting your liquids in while on the liquid stage, and to be honest, I didn't have much of a problem getting my protein in either, but people are starting to get tired of the protein shakes & powders by this time so it gets a little more challenging by the end of the liquid diet to get the protein in...  I will say this - protein powders & shakes will be a part of your life for quite a few months if you're like me!

I found it was a LOT harder getting the liquid in when you're on mushies...  You can't drink before or after, so if you get up & have breakfast, then wait an hour, then some water, then wait, then snack, then wait, then water, wait,  then lunch... see where I'm going?  lol  Remember you can only have a couple of spoon fulls before you are filled, so this makes it a challenge to get the protein in from food only.  I had a Premier Protein shake for brekkie every morning which counts as a  cup of liquid and 30g of protein.  As a matter of fact, I STILL have one for breakfast - I'm not a breakfast person, so this does the trick quite nicely for me & I also have started the day with half of my protein in, so it's not much of a worry to get the rest in. 

I take my vitamins after my meal so they have something to slow them down when going through your system  :)

Now, at 9.5 months out, this is pretty much what I eat:
Breakfast - Premier Protein shake

Lunch - chicken or tuna salad - sometimes with crackers, sometimes without (I'm still counting my calories to try to get rid of the last few lbs & the crackers go down pretty easily & rack up the calorie count pretty fast!)  Sometimes I have a salad with tuna or chicken on top.

Supper - Meat & veggies

Snack - One of the following:  an apple or watermelon, a small green salad, cottage cheese if I don't have enough protein in, maybe some tuna or chicken if I'm in the mood...

The longer out from surgery, the more you get back to a 'normal way of living & eating, so it's important to try to keep the big picture in mind when you do get to the point that you think you can't stand one more day of liquids (maybe you won't have those days, but I sure did!  lol) 

How about everyone else?


 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

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on 5/11/11 9:04 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada

When you say it was hard the first few weeks to get the protein in Ang, was the drink fairy high in protein n thick? I know when on my trial my protein drinks each meal were no thick nor high concentrate in protein as say the 30 grams in the premade shakes...i would only use 1/4 of that with milk for my breakfast. I was wondering just how concentrated i would have to make them, to get them down and get my protein...guess i will only know til the time comes lol. Least the trail period gives you a bit of know how to be able to count n figure what to do and not everything be so overwhelming...or at least thats what I think.

Thanks soooo much for replyin.. things that I was assuming, you did confirmed;) and thing you shared I know will be valuable to me


xox mel




A in NS
on 5/11/11 10:50 pm
Hey Mel, no problem!  The protein drinks weren't that thick & I preferred to drink them 'straight' so I had less to get in, but I don't think it would be any trouble to mix it with milk (I even chucked it into the blender with some ice and a spoonful of decaf instant coffee or a 1/2 banana & some water & ice for some variety every now & then).  I could drink more than Jeff could when he was first out too, so everyone is different  :)  It's funny - your tastes change too - before surgery I LOVED the cherry crystal light & after it was so sour!  I just tried some the other day & it tastes good to me again  :) 
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A in NS
on 5/11/11 10:51 pm
PS:  you can also mix in some crystal light into your protein drinks for a little variety!  When you're on mushies you can put in a spoonful of sf pudding & some ice for 'ice cream'  :)
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