Petition to increase funding to Capital Health's Obesity Network - Please read & sign!

A in NS
on 5/2/11 10:25 am
Here is the link!  There is also a spot for comments - feel free to add your own stories!  :) -health-s-obesity-network.html
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/2/11 11:58 am - Beaver Bank, Canada
Thanks Angie!!!!!!!!!

This is a great start to get them listening and start funding!!!!! 
I added in the comments section that we also need funding to cover patients for after care from surgery if they/we need further treatment such as reconstructive plastic surgery and revisions.

On top of the 2000 people that are waiting for surgery, our province alone has hundreds of previous bariatric patients that may need follow up.  I know for a fact that the WLS clinic will not cover patients of Nova Scotia who have had surgery elsewhere or by another surgeon in this province.  Nothing!  To me, this is pure neglect of our healthcare. 

If it wasn't for starting the Owlss support group and meeting other patients, I would have not known my surgeon was still praticing in another town and then what??  My family doctor sent a referral for a checkup (scope or barrium swallow) with Dr. Ellesmere back in October and NEVER got a response!  Why?.....because they do not have the funding at this time to cover previous patients, only new ones.  Who would have care for me without Dr. MacDonald??  I can't just go around with staples loose in my abdominal cavity!!!!

So that leaves each and every one of us on our own after the 5 year follow up!!!  There's more to the equation than the initial surgery when it comes to the weight loss journey!  Who's going to care for these patients if something goes wrong with their digestive tract let's say 10 years out?  This needs to be changed TODAY!  Let's pray this petition will get things started! 
Thanks again Angie!!! 
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 5/2/11 1:04 pm
Hey I would LOVE to have a tummy tuck (and a few other things tucked for that matter!! lol) but I wouldn't be where I am without this amazing surgery & I would love it if everyone who wanted it could have it without having to wait for years on a list.  Wouldn't it be great if they had enough money to cover VSGs, plastics, revisions & support groups, etc...  Ahhhh, in a perfect world!!  lol
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/2/11 1:29 pm, edited 5/2/11 1:43 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
I couldn't agree with you more!!!  I think it's more of a crisis to have 2000 people waiting for their LIVES on this list, and not just impatience. 

You and I are just a few of the proof that this surgery improved our quality of living!  Now we need to worry about our follow up care for the next 10-20-30+ years out! 

Trust me, I was on my own for 15 yrs without follow ups.  It's SCARY!!!  Thankfully a lot has changed now for new surgeries, but three years ago I was on OH and did everything possible to get help, but nothing was available.....ZERO--no dieticians were educated on bariatric diets, no therapist, even the emergency room didn't know what to do -TWICE!!  Who knows how long I walked around with loose staples floating in my gut--I'm lucky!  I've suffered GERD for 12 yrs and no doctor will treat me....why?....because I had bariatric surgery and that's a whole other game in the treatment world.  My family doctor sadly told me so.  She had tried but no doctors in Hfx would answer.

The patients that have had bypass, lapband, etc. need to have a surgeon available to know how to "fix" a problem too (just in case as there's more risk for complications later).  That's why I hope with extra funding the Weight Loss Clinic (Obesity Network at Capital Health) they will have enough to care for ALL BARIATRIC PATIENTS living in this province.  We need to look into the future as well. 

I know a handful of previous patients that are in need of a revision but their original surgeons were out of province, (some moved here later) and have no where to turn.  Shame!

I hope my posts don't come across as bitter, that's not my tone.  I'm just concerned for all involved! 

(edited to add:  A friend of mine who never had bariatric surgery and doesn't needs it, had stomach problems and when her family physician sent off a referral, the same time as me last Fall, not only got in to see Dr. Ellesmere, but he gave her a scope and treatment already.  Me,...I'm left in the DARK when it comes to Capital Health.  How can she be chosen over me?? It feels like I'm being blacklisted because I had weight loss surgery!  Oh I would much rather have this revision in Halifax instead of being away from my family and in another town for who knows how long.  But it is what it is and I'm still fortunate to get this opportunity to be fixed.  I'm not bitter, just worried about a next time because Dr. MacDonald is ready to fully retire soon!!!!)

*smiles*.......I'm all smiles 

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 5/3/11 3:47 am - Lower Sackville, Canada
I will sign, walk and if I can manage, I  will run for a chance to help this petition and get further funding and recognition for many needed people who are searching for help with weight loss.  I am truly saddened to know the waiting list is over 2 to 4 yrs long, and that the after care is not available and support groups are few and far between and are done by volunteers (thank you to them for all their support and guidance)    I have read and researched how obesity is growing in the world and how this also effects our long term health care and medical needs and puts more strain on the system.  How  could  we not help people live healthier and better quality lives with one operation and good long term follow up care.   Is a persons life not worth the tax payer dollars because they are obese?  If I was addicted to alcohol, drugs or a gambler I would have options for help funded by the government.  When did an obese person become someone less deserving of help and support?   YES I take responsibility for my size, just like the drug addict, drunk and the gambler has options NOT to do the destructive things to their lives but we help them get the support they all need.  I have overcome other addictions COLD TURKEY  this one I need help and support with.  Thanks just had to vent
My goals to a healthy me            
on 5/3/11 12:42 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Very well said!  I hear you how sometimes we just have to vent.  Feels good to get it out in the open though! 

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
A in NS
on 5/3/11 12:52 pm
Maybe between the bunch of us we could arrange a walk for obesity fundraiser?  It would certainly attract some attention and we could fund raise along with it...  anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

I LOVE what you said about the other addictions being 'self inflicted' yet having government funded support available - that's a great point!
 (includes 90lbs lost pre-op): 

Weight lost since surgery:
on 5/3/11 11:17 pm, edited 5/3/11 11:29 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Angie, I LOVE this idea!!!!!!!
Something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I can't express in words how exciting it is to see others are starting to get interested. 

It would help bring awareness & how great if it would help lower the negative stigma of obesity, bariatric surgery, etc.  And most importantly, help with funding to jump start the gov't with coverage.  Plus, what a bonus for extra walking, training and just plain old fashioned exercise!!!

Of course, crappy timing as I'll be laid up for a couple days, but I am willing to give it my ALL if we can get this off the ground!!!!!!!!!!

I'm IN!!!!!! 
Who else?........

Here's a link about how to organize a charity walk...

VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 5/3/11 7:42 pm - Brookfield. NS, Canada
i had put my john henry yesterday... it's up to 28 signatures so far... we need a few to make em take notced. letters to the editors, an mla that is close to someone who woul speak up...  as well if anyone knows of anyone in ATV would get some awsome coverage



on 5/3/11 10:03 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
Well here's the scoop.  I have friends with ATV, Breakfast Television, and 2 newspapers and the former Deputy Mayor/MLA for Sackville.  They would do stories and give suggestions, but we need someone to step up and volunteer, besides me everytime. LOL  They need other voices out there because I can't advocate on my own, it's not powerful enough.--I've tried! 

What I need is a list of names of anyone who wants to speak up and tell their story.

I have been thinking a provincial RELAY WALK, (some people can't walk a great distance because of their health), but if we did a type of relay to pass on "the message" from person to person (like the olympic torch is done), it would make great news of how concerned we are!!!!!!  I'm willing to offer my help to volunteer and organize something like this.  It means so much to finally get this coverage and funding for everyone in the Bariatrics.

I have a friend with the Enfield Weekly Paper wanting to do this story now, but he needs someone who is from that area (Enfield, Elmsdale, Stewiacke, 9-Mill River and ajacent areas).  If you know somebody let me know and I will forward the info!!!!
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
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