
on 3/10/11 11:14 am - Canada
I am still waiting to get my scope done. This is so very frustrating to still be in pain and have the nausea i do. I call but all they say is they cant confirm me on the list and when i am on it they will call. Pffft! Plus my family doctor wont  call herself she says if i dont get anywheres with them by next week she will finally call. 

I go back to work next week which will be a bit rough, as i have been off for two months now. Also they have new rules at work i have to get used to. No drinking or eating in the kitchen. I can understand the no eating part but come on NO drinking? Only on breaks apparently. Which makes it very hard for me since i cant, as we know, gulp our liquids. I have a hard enough time now getting all the fluids in i am supposed to. So working a 12hr is going to make it extra hard for me :-(

Do you think it would be unfair or out of line for me to ask if i could just have a bottled water to sip on through the day, considering i only have 20% of my stomach left? I mean i know whats good for one should be for everyone but still. I just dont know how i will even get a fraction of my fluids in by days end.

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
(deactivated member)
on 3/10/11 8:04 pm - Canada

That is absurd!!  Can they give you a reason why you can't drink in the kitchen?  I certainly would take them to task on that. 

on 3/10/11 9:14 pm - Canada
OMG Where do you work?? I would explain your situation to them and may be look into labour laws THat sounds like slave labour to me! Hope you feel better soon!
on 3/10/11 9:38 pm - Beaver Bank, Canada
I agree with Ruthanne,

When I worked in a call centre, they HAD to accomodate to my health conditions.  If I had to emergency eat (would get spasms on empty stomach) and drink my water, I was allowed...even at my desk.  Plus my lunch was the 1/2 hr as two 15 min breaks were not feasible for a "slow eater". 

You can get a Doctor notice to provide for your health conditions.

My gosh, I hope you start feeling better soon.  Hang in there!  It will get better.  
VBG June 1991 - Revision to VSG May 12, 2011
on 3/10/11 10:56 pm - Canada
Thanks everyone! Well we have a new boss and she said she is following the procedure and policy books we have. I work anywheres from 5-12 hrs, my shifts vary as i am a casual. So usually on the longest shift we get two 15min breaks and a 45 min break. But even then i wouldnt be able to get all i need to get in. Guess i will have to wait and see what she says and if i need a doctors note i am sure i could get one.

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 3/11/11 7:38 am - Sydney Mines, Canada

Sorry you are having such a hard time with everything. You should really check those policy books. Get a Doc. slip anyway. What do they have a kitchen for if you can't eat or drink in it? weird. Hopefully you will get the test done that you need soon. hang in there and take care.

on 3/12/11 5:32 am
It must be very frustrating waiting to hear about the scope, especially when you are feeling so lousy Hopefully they will get their act together and get you in soon.
I cannot imagine that you(or anyone, anywhere) would not be allowed a bottle of water with them at work.
Best of luck with the scope and your return to work
Take care, Susan
Carly ~
on 3/12/11 11:48 am
The policy cannot be enforced if it is a medical reason why you need to drink/eat at different times.  Just like a diabetic, it's the same thing - your medical condition would void the policy -- or have it flex to suit your needs.
You would just need a note from your doctor, saying for medical reasons - you need to consume beverages, etc over the entire day and cannot be limited to one specific time.
Easy : )
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